.. highlightlang:: us .. _datadata-cursormove-datasets: Data=>Data Cursor=>Move Datasets -------------------------------- .. index:: Data=>Data Cursor=>Move Datasets This function can be used to shift a dataset in the x-direction. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/data-data-cursor-move-datasets-en.* .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/data-cursor-move-datasets.* This use this function: * Display the data cursor: :ref:`datadata-cursor` (F5). If only one cursor is displayed choose :ref:`datadata-cursor-configuration` and select the option "Two cursors". * Move the two cursors so that they display the offset of the two curves. * Right click on the curve that you would like to shift. * Choose "Cursor=>Move Datasets...". The offset can be edited in the displayed dialog box. The function sets the x-offset of the dataset, see :ref:`data1d-and-2d-dataset`. .. seealso:: :ref:`data`, :ref:`datadata-cursor-configuration` :sub:`id-351048`