.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: Data=>3D Color Legend .. _data-3d-color-legend: Data=>3D Color Legend --------------------- Creates a color legend for the selected 3D dataset To create 3D Color Legend right click on a 3D dataset (isoline) and select the command "3D Color Legend". To change the legend settings right click on the color legend and select the command "3D Legend Properties". .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/Data-3D-Color-Legend-en.* .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/3d_color_legend.* The legend is using the field function :ref:`@f{update3dcolorlegendtable}`. .. seealso:: :ref:`data`, :ref:`auto_xyz_CreateColorLegend`, :ref:`@f{update3dcolorlegendtable}` :sub:`id-1768364`