.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: Data=>3D-Dataset=>Isolines .. index:: y^data-3d-dataset-isolines .. _data-3d-dataset-isolines: Data=>3D-Dataset=>Isolines -------------------------- Use this dialog box to specify plot attributes for Isolines. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/Data3DDatasetIsolines-en.* .. us.dlgitem **Color Filling between the Isolines** Select this check box if you want the areas between the isolines color filled. The colors can be specified in the Z-Values dialog box. .. us.dlgitem **Label Format** Set the number of decimal places for the axis values in the **Decimals** edit field. Use the **Decimal** and **Exponential** options to set the isoline label format. .. us.dlgitem **Isoline Connection** The isolines can be plotted as polygons or splines. .. us.dlgitem **Label Representation** Isoline labels can be plotted horizontally, or they can be plotted to follow the gradient of the isoline. The color of the label can be set to match the isoline when the In **Line Color** check box is selected. To frame the label, select the **In a Box** option. **Transparent** If the option is checked the labels will be plotted with a white background. The labels are always plotted with a white background for the command :ref:`editcopy-page` and the WMF export. .. us.dlgitem **Label** Can be one of the following values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - meaning * - None - No Labels are Inserted * - User - Insert Labels Interactive * - Stripes - Three Vertical Stripes * - Middle - One Label per Isoline * - Random - One Label per Isoline .. seealso:: :ref:`dialog-boxsymbol-style`, :ref:`dialog-boxfont`, :ref:`data-3d-dataset-3d-surface`, :ref:`data-3d-dataset-hull` :sub:`id-318582`