.. highlightlang:: us .. _browsercheck-formula: Browser=>Check Formula ---------------------- .. index:: Browser=>Check Formula This command is used to check which formulas can be evaluated for the given netCDF file. All formulas listed in the :ref:`toolsformulalist` dialog box will be checked. Example output: :: Check formula for file: c:/program files/uniplot/samples/test1.nc Formula directory: c:/formula/ ----------------------------------------------------------------- The following formulas cannot be calculated (missing channels in parenthesis): A_min (C_H) ----------------------------------------------------------------- Formula Tree: Formula = A_min A_min(c_Ant_b h_Ant_b o_Ant_b s_Ant_b) c_Ant_b(h_Ant_b o_Ant_b s_Ant_b) h_Ant_b(C_H o_Ant_b s_Ant_b) C_H missing o_Ant_b(o_AntOt) s_Ant_b(s_AntOt) o_Ant_b(o_AntOt) s_Ant_b(s_AntOt) h_Ant_b(C_H o_Ant_b s_Ant_b) C_H missing o_Ant_b(o_AntOt) s_Ant_b(s_AntOt) o_Ant_b(o_AntOt) s_Ant_b(s_AntOt) In the formula tree the formula dependencies are displayed. In the example above, the formula A_min depends on the formulas C_Ant_b, h_Ant_b, o_Ant_b and s_Ant_b. The missing channels are marked as missing. .. us.comment **Comment** This command can be accessed by a right click inside the data browser.The function is written in UniScript. The source code can be found in the :file:`fi-check.ic` file. .. seealso:: :ref:`the-data-browser` :sub:`id-1342581`