.. highlightlang:: us .. _news-R2023: New in R2023 ============ This page describes the changes made to UniPlot R2023 since UniPlot version :ref:`R2022 `. .. _news-R2023-4: New in R2023.4 (2023-12-15) --------------------------- Enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * (UNI-555): A new data import option has been added to the data browser to easily add channel info or computation in a table in your reports. It is called :ref:`Text: Create Channel Info Table `. * (UNI-563): :ref:`The CAS file AddIN ` has now a new syntaxe option to improve data exchange in templates. It can be activated in Tools => CAS Configuration. * (UNI-551): When :ref:`creating a formula `, UniPlot now gives the option to add related channel (ex : find the correct time channel). * (UNI-574): Import your ETAS MDA templates (``*.xdx``) into UniPlot using :ref:`File=>Open `. * (UNI-525): :ref:`Sequencer `: New Action ``File synchronization``. New action calls :ref:`nc_synchronizetime` with parameters of the action configuration. * (UNI-558): :ref:`Sequencer `: Now, Action Run Mode is also concidered on single action execution. * (UNI-573): :ref:`Sequencer `: Added linked runtimevalue loops in the action run mode. The main loop may now also trigger linked loops. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * (UNI-494): Fixes a crash when creating :ref:`PV diagram ` if a range was specified. * (UNI-224): Fixes a bug where :ref:`import of iFile ` was failing in some specific case.(iFile contains data of type eType = 20) * (UNI-504): Fixes a bug where a missing channel was causing a crash during :ref:`data exchange `. The missing channel had to have a :ref:`filter function ` configured. Once the filtered channel was shown as having "0 (4)" points in the dialog, adding a new file triggered the error message ``return ObjGet(hData, 1, nFirst);``. * (UNI-572): The DBC info in the :ref:`CAN DBC Configuration window ` was not properly displayed in the english version of UniPlot. * (UNI-557): Fixes a :ref:`Sequencer ` crash when edit control in the action area looses focus. * (UNI-394): Fixes a bug where the first 4000 :ref:`error bars ` are repeatedly used instead of the actual error bars. * (UNI-582): Fixes a crash during startup: ``"Internal Error (-1073741819) - please call the telefon number in the AboutBox !"`` that seems to be related to an unavailable network printer. .. _news-R2023-3: New in R2023.3 (2023-09-29) --------------------------- Enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * (UNI-545): :ref:`Text Placeholders ` have seen four new functions added. ``mini()``, ``min_time()``, ``maxi()`` and ``max_time()``. They will respectively return the index or time of the ``min`` or ``max`` value of the signal. * (UNI-547): :ref:`Common 3D data properties ` now supports modification of the colormap. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * (UNI-428): :ref:`The Data Browser ` ``Drag & Drop`` functionality for multi-file plotting is now showing the correct X and Y channels for MDF files. * (UNI-538): Update of a function that was preventing calculated 3D dataset to be properly updated during data-exchange in some conditions. .. _news-R2023-2: New in R2023.2 (2023-08-25) --------------------------- Enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * (UNI-530): :ref:`The ATFX Import filter ` has been updated to load all measurements in one file and group channels by measurement name. The time channel are now detected and the ``2D y/t`` plot option can be used to automatically detect the time channel. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * Fixes a preoblem where the German help files (``up-de.chm``) was missing from the installation. .. _news-R2023-1: New in R2023.1 (2023-06-30) --------------------------- Enhancements ^^^^^^^^^^^^ * (UNI-467): :ref:`The ERG Import Filter ` allows UniPlot to import ERG Files from Siemens CATS Flexible automation system. * (UNI-498): :ref:`The PDF export ` function is now compatible for GhostScript after version gs9.53.3. * (UNI-521): Some MDF or MF4 files are imported without groups. This happens when the original file has no group comment (``cg_md_comment`` is empty). :ref:`The MDF import filter ` has been updated to use the aquisition name (``cg_tx_acq_name``) as an alternative solution in this case. * (UNI-524): When using the :ref:`File Synchronization Interface ` with files for which a time channel is defined, this time channel will be automatically selected when selecting the synchronization channel. * The UniPlot's documentation now has a Use Cases section where one can discover UniPlot into real life examples. The first article is about :ref:`Internet Of Things (IoT) in UniPlot `. Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * Correction of Maintenance Contract Check. * (UNI-382): The :ref:`NC_interpolation ` for string channel was failing if several text channels of same character length are interpolated. * (UNI-487): Fixes a problem when importing an MDF4 file containing CAN data. During the import an error message ``"not enough (virtuell) memory", file: can_blf.ic, line: 526`` was shown. * (UNI-522): In the databrowser, right-click on a channel and select *Add/Edit Formula Channel* to open the :ref:`The formula interpreter ` did not work for multi-line formulas. * (UNI-250): Data import of CAN signals of type unsigned 32-bit integers are now handled correctly. * (UNI-108): The Sequencer's *Browse for file* action is not anymore limited in lenght. * (UNI-148): The Sequencer's sub-dialog are now properly displayed in case on left docking. * (UNI-149): The Sequencer's data type field entry is not restricted by the dialog size. * (UNI-209): The data slot control of the Sequencer now refreshed properly after calling the function ``Seq_SetSlot_Path()``. .. _news-R2023-0: New in R2023.0 (2023-03-31) --------------------------- Bug Fixes ^^^^^^^^^ * (UNI-457): :ref:`import-of-d7d-files` update in 2022.6 was not backward compatible. It has been corrected. * (UNI-490): :ref:`TDMS AddIn ` could not load specific TDMS files. Libraries have been updated to correct the issue (National Instruments TDM DLL - V17). * Fixes an off by one error in the output of ``_dis(ssFunction, bOnlyMaxStack)`` for local variables with an index of 7 or larger (``OP_LOCAL (45), OP_LOCAL_EX (98)``). * (UNI-495): :ref:`The interpol function ` was not taking into account the ``rsMissing`` argument if the ``ssType`` was also given as an input. :sub:`id-939209`