.. |Cursor_Tooltip| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Cursor_Tooltip.png :align: top .. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-5.12.0: What's New in UniPlot 5.12.0 ============================ This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 5.12.0 since version 5.11.1. Enhancements ------------ * :ref:`datalinear-interpolation`. New type ``Relative Deviation (y2-y1)/y1 * 100`` added. The Info text of the created datasets now displayes the Info of both datasets separated by a colon. * Channel names are treated differently for UTX data files and Text- or Excel data files. Spaces in UTX files are replaced by underscores. In Text or Excel files spaces are removed. To change the UTX import filter to remove the spaces from the channel names, type in the following command into UniPlot command window:: WriteProfileInt("settings", "utx_trim_channelnames", 1) Type 0 instead of 1 to switch to underscores. The value is saved in the windows registry. * Data Tooltip: With the toolbar button |Cursor_Tooltip| the tooltips for date can be enabled or disabled. The tooltips display information about 2D-datasets. If the mouse cursor is on a data point, the tooltip displays information about the data point. If the cursor is between data points, a cross cursor is displayed. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/data-tooltip-en.* * PDF-Export: The page names are saved as bookmarks in the PDF file. * UTX-Data, Text-, Excel Files: Rows in the data block beginning with the number sign (#) will be saved in the NC file as missing_values. See also :ref:`utx-data-file-format-specification`. New UniScript Functions ----------------------- .. us.makeindex New5120, New Functions in UniPlot 5.12.0 .. include:: ../ftab/New5120.ftab Modified UniScript Functions ---------------------------- The changes are listed in the history table at the end of the function description. .. us.makeindex Changed5120, Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.12.0 .. include:: ../ftab/Changed5120.ftab Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * (ID2013): The Window menu was sometimes not properly updated. Specifically, the Window menu failed to add new documents to the list. * (ID2217): :ref:`DialogBox`: If a dialog box contained a symbol combo box and used callback functions (for example for push buttons). UniPlot would crash if the callback function was invoked. * (ID2218): The channel attribute ``C_format`` of netCDF files was not evaluated correctly for hex or integer formats. For example the format ``C_format = 0x%08x`` formats a decimal value 1000 as 0x00001001. For MDF files (INCA) an empty channel attribute ``C_format`` will be written to the NC file. If needed, the format string can be set in the data browser. * (ID2228): 2D-Curves: If an axis was log scaled the data point symbols were missing. This bug was in all versions since version 5.10.1. :sub:`id-1792530`