.. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-5.10.1: What's New in UniPlot 5.10.1 ============================ This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 5.10.1 since version 5.10.0. Enhancements ------------ * :ref:`import-of-matlab-data-files`: The function has been extended to import number matrices. Each matrix column is saved as a channel in the NC file. New UniScript Functions ----------------------- .. us.makeindex New5101, New Functions in UniPlot 5.10.1 .. include:: ../ftab/New5101.ftab Modified UniScript Functions ---------------------------- The changes are listed in the history table at the end of the function description. .. us.makeindex Changed5101, Modified Functions in UniPlot 5.10.1 .. include:: ../ftab/Changed5101.ftab Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * (ID2067): Environment variable ``UNIPLOT_INI``: If the environment variable ``UNIPLOT_INI`` was specified, UniPlot 5.10.0 displayed an Internal error and did not start. See :ref:`uniplot's-use-of-the-windows-registry`. * (ID2070): :ref:`matlab_load`: UniPlot crashed if the MATLAB file contained empty elements, e.g. a cell array with the dimension 0-by-0. :sub:`id-1885593`