.. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-4.2.5: What's New in UniPlot 4.2.5 =========================== This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 4.2.5 since version 4.2.4. New Features ------------ * MDF-Files (INCA): The display identifiers can be used as a channel names (see :ref:`import-of-mdf-files`). The option can be set in the **Tools=>MDF Configuration** dialog box if the MDF addin is loaded. New UniScript Functions ----------------------- None. Modified UniScript Functions ---------------------------- .. us.makeindex Changed425, Changed Functions in UniPlot 4.2.5 .. include:: ../ftab/Changed425.ftab Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * (ID882): :ref:`poly_triangulate` had two errors. 1.) For certain distributed data the function caused a memory access violation, for example ``poly_triangulate([0,0,1,1],[0,1,0,1])``. 2.) The error handling was different than described in the documentation. In case of an error the function returns a string vector with two elements. The first element is the error id and the second element the error text. (This bug was incorrectly marked as fixed in UniPlot 4.2.4) * (ID900): The :ref:`AppQuit` function had an error. UniPlot goes into an infinite loop when the function is invoked and UniPlot hangs. * (ID902): Debug-Tooltip: If the cursor was placed while debugging on a real variable with exactly 40 rows and 1 column, the debugger would hang and cause an endless loop. * (ID903): Load 3D-Hull: If the third column was invalid the command failed without an error message. In UniPlot 4.2.5 an error message will be displayed and all values will be set to "m". * (ID917): The :ref:`obj_save` function did not save variant matrices with strings correctly. Example: In the following code:: o = [.a = [1, "2"]]; o.save("c:/test.xml"); string "2" was not saved in the file. * (ID964): :ref:`ltostr` created an incorrect result string for negative values for base 10. * (ID966): NC-Brower: If the channel attribute C_format = "" was empty an empty field was displayed. UniPlot 4.2.5 will display the value in the default format if the string is empty (see :ref:`file-import-options`). * (ID974): Error in documentation of :ref:`fwrite`: The data type "real48" can only be read (see :ref:`fread`) and not written. * (ID986): A memory access violation could occur if huge matrices were assigned to a variable. Example:: a = zeros(1,1e6) // Works! a = zeros(1,1e8) // Does not work. a will be destroyed. The next access to *a* would create a memory violation. * (ID991): Data Exchange: If a channel contained only invalid values (missing_value) the data exchange was aborted. In UniPlot 4.2.5 the data of 1D and 2D datasets is set to 0;0 and the data exchange is continued. For 3D datasets the data exchange will be aborted. * (ID992): MDF-Format: If the channel name in the MDF file was not null-terminated parts of the following channel comment would be added to the channel name. This bug occurred if the channel name in the MDF file was 32 characters long. * (ID995): ``smMat = ExcelRead()``: To convert real numbers, the format sting "%g" was used. In UniPlot 4.2.5 the format string %.16g is used. Otherwise the OLE date/time values were converted incorrectly. If :ref:`ExcelRead` returned a date/time string the return value was, for example, 38500 instead of 38500.423. * (ID996): ``o = error_create("a",1,"b")`` was treated incorrectly by the garbage collector. The strings in *o* were deleted but the object was still valid. :sub:`id-2045184`