.. highlightlang:: us .. _what's-new-in-uniplot-3.4.0: What's New in UniPlot 3.4.0 =========================== This page describes the changes made to UniPlot 3.4.0 since version 3.3.1. Bug Fixes --------- The following bugs have been fixed: * Data Import: When datasets were imported from an NC file in which one of the channels had a missing_value attribute and one did not, the missing values were not handled correctly if the channel contained 0 values. * Datasource Exchange: The import options were set incorrectly. The error occurred only if two or more files with different import options were used. * Datasource Exchange: The label offset of a 3D datasets scatter plot was not set. * 2D-Dataset Edit Function Parameter List: The function DependOn() could only be used with one dataset name. * 3D-Map Calculation: The function would fail with an UniScript error. * PDF-Files: A contour plot with a color gradient without contour lines was displaying contour lines in the PDF file. The contour lines were not visible in the on the monitor or in print. * Dataset Style: Transparent markers could not be set using the auto-datastyle function (e.g. Auto:Default). * The dialog box :ref:`filepage-setup` did not display the correct page settings. The dialog box always displays the printer default settings. * :ref:`AppCmdWndShow` and :ref:`DocShow` have been corrected and the new function :ref:`AppCmdWndClose` has been added. * Function :ref:`LayerGetAxisDateFormat` corrected. :sub:`id-1524815`