.. highlightlang:: us .. _bugs-r2014: Bug Fixes R2014 =============== Bug Fixes R2014.3 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * (ID3549): The UniScript COM server could only be used with the 32-Bit UniPlot version. Example:: GetObject("UniScript32").call("GetRootDirectory") Because some users were missing the UniScript COM server in the 64-Bit UniPlot installation, the neccessary DLLs and the server itself will be installed starting with version R2014.3. See also: :ref:`uniscript-com-server`. * (ID3769): Most of the images in the German and English PDF manual were missing (see http://www.uniplot.de/documents/uniplot-en-a4.pdf). * (ID3782): :ref:`DocExchangeDataFiles`: Not all field functions were updated. * (ID3787): :ref:`diagram-xyz-axis-title`: The option ``Protect Axis Title`` was not set if modified in the dialog box. * (ID3790): :ref:`asam-ods-browser-rpc`: Channels with data type DT_DATE were not loaded. * (ID3792): IPZ and NC2 files: IPZ and NC2 files could not be loaded, if an UNC Pfad was used and the full file name was longer than approx. 130 characters. This bug was in all R2014 versions. Bug Fixes R2014.2 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * (ID3765): 2D-Datasets: The output of data points stopped after approx. 4 million data points. * (ID3766): If a dataset was clicked, it could not removed with the Delete key. * (ID3774): Cycle-Data: The scroll bar for the x axis scale will now scroll a multiple of a cycle length. The mouse wheel can be used to scroll, if a dataset is selected. * (ID3775): 3D-Surface Plot: If only the axis scaling parameter ``Decending`` of the x-, y- or z-axis was modified, the surface of the 3D dataset was not updated. * (ID3776): :ref:`import-of-mdf4-files`: Support for MDF file format 4.1 added. (Compressed data blocks are not processed.) * (ID3777): :ref:`MDF files (INCA) `: Importing a malformed MDF data file caused a memory access violation error (C0000005). The bug has been fixed. * (ID3778): :ref:`MDF files (INCA) `: If UniPlot was started with a command line arguments to access an MDF file a memory access violation (C0000005) occurred in :ref:`nc_varget`. The bug has been fixed. * (ID3779): :ref:`RegOpen` failed, if the option ``KEY_WOW64_32KEY`` was used. A new parameter was added to :ref:`RegCreate` to enable the 64-bit UniPlot to create keys in the 32-bit registry. Bug Fixes R2014.1 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * (ID3761): :ref:`DocCopyPage`: If the source page contained 2D datasets, the function failed. Because of this bug other functions that invoke :ref:`DocCopyPage` failed as well, for example :ref:`auto_LoadTemplate`. Bug Fixes R2014.0 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * (ID3721): :ref:`obj_load`: The function failed, if the object contained Infs or NaNs. Now, the values will be replaced by 1e10:: * o = [. x = 1/0] * o [. x = 1.#INF ] * s = o.save("") * o1 = [.] * o1.load(s,1) * o1 [. x = 1e+10 ] * (ID3748): :ref:`data-3d-dataset-z-values`: The field functions were not updated after closing the dialog box. For example, the color legend was not updated. To force an update of all field functions, press F9. * (ID3753): :ref:`DocSetPathName`: Did not set the file name correctly. * (ID3755): :ref:`TableDeleteColumn` and :ref:`TableDeleteRow`: The settings for the edge line got lost, if the first column or row was deleted. * (ID3756): Calculated datasets, for example a difference map or a mean curve, was not set to "0", if one the the datasets used for the calculation had only invalid data or contained 0-data points. * (ID3758): :ref:`data-data-exchange-page`: The hidden setting for 3D-datasets got lost during data exchange. A complete list of known bugs can be found on the Internet: http://www.uniplot.com/bugs_e.htm. :sub:`id-151207`