.. highlightlang:: us .. _strremove: strremove ========= .. index:: strremove .. us.tag strremove ENGLISH STR :ref:`strremove` removes any vector or matrix element that matches the given string *ssRemove*. .. function:: svString = strremove(smString) svString = strremove(smString, ssRemove) .. us.return **Return Value** *svString* is a string vector without any elements that matches the string given in *ssRemove*. If all elements of *smString* identical to *ssRemove* the functions returns an empty string. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: smString *smString* is a string matrix. .. uparam:: ssRemove *ssRemove* is a scalar string. The string can be empty (``""``). If the function is invoked with one parameter only the default value of *ssRemove* is an empty string (``""``). .. us.example **Example** :: * strremove(["Hello", "", "Test"], "")' Hello Test .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-strings`, :ref:`find`, :ref:`remove` :sub:`id-1399354`