.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: std .. _std: std === .. us.tag std ENGLISH New5111 math-base :ref:`std` returns the standard deviation of its parameter. .. function:: rsSigma = std(rvVect) rsSigma = std(rvVect, flag) .. us.return **Return Value** *rsSigma* is the standard deviation of the vector *rvVect*. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: rvVect *rvVect* is a real vector. .. uparam:: flag If *flag* is set to 0, the data is normalized by n-1 (default); If *flag* is set to 1, the data is normalized by n; .. us.example **Example** :: * std([5,6,12,24]) 8.7321 .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-mathematic`, :ref:`sum`, :ref:`mean`, :ref:`cov`, :ref:`corrcoef`, :ref:`quantile` :sub:`id-1488013`