.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: putenv .. _putenv: putenv ====== .. us.tag putenv NOTREADYENGLISH putenv :ref:`putenv` creates new environment variables; modifies or removes existing ones. .. function:: bool = putenv(ssEnvString) .. us.return **Return Value** return TRUE (1) if successful, or 0 in the case of an error. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ssEnvString *ssEnvString* is a string. .. us.comment **Comment** *ssEnvString* is a string of the form ``varname=string``, where ``varname`` is the name of the environment variable to be added or modified and string is the variable's value. If varname is already part of the environment, its value is replaced by string; otherwise, the new varname variable and its string value are added to the environment. You can remove a variable from the environment by specifying an empty string - in other words, by specifying only ``varname=``. The function affects only the environment that is local to the current process. .. us.example **Example** :: ssPath = getenv("path"); putenv("path=c:\mydir;c:\mydir\mydir2;" + ssPath); .. seealso:: :ref:`getenv` :sub:`id-681352`