.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: pie .. _pie: pie ==== .. us.tag pie ENGLISH New5900 :ref:`pie` plots a pie chart. .. function:: hText = pie(rvX) hText = pie(rvX, options) .. us.return **Return Value** *hText* is a handle of a pie chart. The pie chart uses a text object as as its drawing object. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: rvX *rvX* is a real vector with x coordinates. Only the first 32 values are used for the pie chart. .. uparam:: options *options* is an object with parameters to display the pie chart. The following parameters are evaluated: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Name - Type - Default - Description * - color_scale - string - ``"Paired"`` - Name of a color scale. See :ref:`ColorScale_GetNames` for a complete list. * - colors - real or string - ``""`` - Color for each slide. Matrix with three columns. If not specified, the parameter will be filled with the *color_scale* colors. * - edge_color - real or string - ``"black"`` - Color used to draw the edge line. If set to "auto", the edge line will be draw in a darker slice color. Other values ``[255,0,0]`` * - edge_show - real - 1 - If set to TRUE (1), the edge line will be drawn. * - edge_width - real - 1 - Edge line width in 0.1 mm units. * - explode - real - 0 - Vector with explode values in percent of the chart width. The value specifies how far a slice is pulled out of the chart. * - hPage - real - 0 - Is a page handle. The chart will be added to the specified page. If set to 0 or if the parameter does not exists in the **options** parameter, a document with an empty page will be created. * - labels - string - ``""`` - Is a string vector with a label for each value. The default value is an empty string. * - label_show - real - 1 - If TRUE (1), the slice label outside the pie chart are displayed. * - legend_show - real - 0 - Display a legend table with two or three columns. It shows the color, the label text and the value (optional). * - legend_values_show - real - 0 - Display the values in the legend. * - legend_position - real - right - left|right|top|bottom * - subplot - real vector - [1,1,2,2] - *subplot* is a vector with 4 elements ``[iRow, iCol, nRows, nCols]``. The parameter is used to set the size and position of a pie chart on a page. The page will be divided in rows and columns (nRows, nCols). The first two elements selects the cell used to place the chart. Example: Use the full page: ``[1,1,1,1]``. Use the lower half: ``[2,1,2,1]``. Instead of the parameter *subplot* you can specify the *x*, *y*, *width*, *height* parameters in cm. * - sweep_angle - real - 360 - Total angle of the pie chart in the range 1° to 360°. Default value is 360°. * - start_angle - real - 0 - The angle 0° degree is at 3 0'clock. The angle is measured counterclockwise. * - x - real - 0 - Position of the left edge in cm. * - y - real - 0 - Position of the bottom edge in cm. * - width - real - 0 - Chart width in cm. * - height - real - 0 - Chart height in cm. * - value_format - string - ``"%g %%"`` - Is a format string. To display two decimal places: "%.2lf %%". "%%" prints the percent symbol. See :ref:`printf`. * - value_percent - real - 1 - If 1, the values are displayed as a number in percent. * - values - real - 0 - Values for the chart. The values are converted to percent values. The *pie* function will fill this parameter with the values in the **rvX** parameter. * - values_show - real - 1 - If set to 1, the slices are labelled with their values. * - transparency - real - 255 - 255: opaque, 127: half transparent, 0: transparent * - title - string - ``""`` - Is the chart title. Will be displayed in the upper left corner. * - title_show - real - 1 - If set to 1 the title text will be displayed. .. us.example **Example** The following example will create a pie chart in a new document. :: pie([0.1, 0.4, 0.2]) :: hPie = pie([72, 8, 20], [. title="2030", labels = ["Cat A", "Cat B", "Cat C"], color_scheme = "Blues", legend_show = 1]) .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/pie.* .. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. index:: pie_get_props .. _pie_get_props: pie_get_props ============== .. us.tag pie_get_props GERMAN New5900 :ref:`pie_get_props` returns an object with the pie options (name/value pairs). .. function:: props = pie_get_props(hText) .. us.return **Return value** *props* is an object with parameters. .. us.params **Parameter** .. uparam:: hText *hText* is the handle of the pie chart (text object). .. us.example **Example** :: * h = pie([72, 8, 20], [. title="2030", labels = ["Cat A", "Cat B", "Cat C"], color_scheme = "Blues", legend_show = 1]) * pie_get_props(h) [. color_scheme = "Blues" colors = "" edge_color = "auto" edge_show = 1 edge_width = 1 explode[3;1] = [0, 0, 0] hPage = 29 label_show = 1 labels[3;1] = ["Cat A", "Cat B", "Cat C"] show_legend = 1 show_legend_values = 0 start_angle = 0 subplot[1;4] = [1, 1, 2, 2] sweep_angle = 360 table_uuid = "uuid:999ff6d8-c7a4-4a63-89ab-95570d17a1e2" title = "2030" title_show = 1 transparency = 255 value_format = "%g %%" value_percent = 1 values[3;1] = [72, 8, 20] values_show = 1 ] object (obj at 0x72AEFF68) .. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. index:: pie_set_props .. _pie_set_props: pie_set_props ============== .. us.tag pie_set_props ENGLISH New5900 :ref:`pie_set_props` sets the pie options. .. function:: bool = pie_set_props(hText, props) .. us.return **Return value** *bool* .. us.params **Parameter** .. uparam:: hText *hText* is the handle of the pie chart (text object). .. uparam:: props *props* is an object with the parameters. .. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ .. us.comment **Comment** The pie function uses the new graphic interface. See :ref:`g_create`. .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2017 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`DocCreate`, :ref:`PageCreate`, :ref:`PageGetParentDocument`, :ref:`LayerCreate`, :ref:`XYCreate`, :ref:`plotcategory`, :ref:`NC_plotcategory`, :ref:`GetParent`, :ref:`plot`, :ref:`g_create` :sub:`id-1925613`