.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: obj_set_at .. _obj_set_at: obj_set_at ========== .. us.tag obj_set_at ENGLISH New410 obj :ref:`obj_set_at` adds a key-value pair to the given object. If the key already exists the value will be overwritten. .. function:: bool = obj_set_at(obj, key, val) .. us.return **Return Value** *bool* is TRUE (1) if the key-value pair has been set or FALSE (0) if an error occurred. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: obj *obj* is the object created with :ref:`obj_create`. .. uparam:: key *key* is a number or string. .. uparam:: val *val* is a number, a string or a complex number of a matrix of these types or an object created with :ref:`obj_create`. .. us.example **Example** :: obj = obj_create() // syntax 1 obj_set_at(obj, "a", 123) // syntax 2 obj.set_at("a", 123) // syntax 3 obj["a"] = 123 // syntax 4 obj.a = 123 .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-uniscript-objects`, :ref:`obj_lookup` :sub:`id-253332`