.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: bit_xor .. _bit_xor: bit_xor ======= .. us.tag bit_xor NOTREADYENGLISH bit-ops New5510 :ref:`bit_xor` performs a logical exclusive OR operation. .. function:: m = bit_xor(m1, m2) m = bit_xor(m1, m2, cast) .. us.return **Return Value** *m* is an integer matrix. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: m1 *m1* is a matrix. .. uparam:: m2 *m2* is a matrix. *m1* and *m2* must have the same size. .. uparam:: cast *cast* is one of the following values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - CAST_INT8 (0) - * - CAST_UINT8 (1) - * - CAST_INT16 (2) - * - CAST_UINT16 (3) - * - CAST_INT32 (4) - * - CAST_UINT32 (5) - * - CAST_INT64 (6) - * - CAST_UINT64 (7) - default-Wert. .. us.comment **Comment** UniScript uses double precision floating-point values. When casted to a ``CAST_INT64`` or ``CAST_UINT64`` only the lower 53 Bits (Bit 0 .. Bit 52) can be used. .. us.example **Example** :: * m1=strtol("1010", 2) * m2=strtol("1011", 2) * bit_xor(m1,m2) 1.0000 .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2013.10 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`bit-ops`, :ref:`bit_get`, :ref:`bit_set`, :ref:`bit_and`, :ref:`bit_or`, :ref:`bit_not`, :ref:`bit_lshift`, :ref:`bit_rshift` :sub:`id-719000`