.. highlightlang:: us .. _auto_xyz_interpolate: auto_xyz_Interpolate ==================== .. index:: auto_xyz_Interpolate .. us.tag auto_xyz_Interpolate NOTREADYENGLISH auto_xyz :ref:`auto_xyz_Interpolate` calculates a new interpolation matrix for the given 3D dataset. .. function:: bool = auto_xyz_Interpolate(hData, nType) bool = auto_xyz_Interpolate(hData, nType, nRows) bool = auto_xyz_Interpolate(hData, nType, nRows, nCols) bool = auto_xyz_Interpolate(hData, nType, nRows, nCols, bInterpolOnGrid) bool = auto_xyz_Interpolate(hData, nType, nRows, nCols, bInterpolOnGrid, nSmoothFactor) .. us.return **Return Value** *bool* is TRUE (1), if the function was successfully executed, otherwise FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hData *hData* is a handle of a 3D dataset. .. uparam:: nType *nType* specifies the interpolation type: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - LINEAR - (1) Linear interpolation * - NONLINEAR - (2) Nono linear interpolation * - THINPLATESPLINE - (3) Spline interpolation .. uparam:: nRows *nRows* specifies the number of rows of the interpolation matrix. Default value is 40. .. uparam:: nCols *nCols* specifies the number of rows of the interpolation matrix. Default value is 40. .. uparam:: bInterpolOnGrid *bInterpolOnGrid* = TRUE, calculate interpolation matrix at the grid lines. Default value is FALSE (0). .. uparam:: nSmoothFactor *nSmoothFactor* = 0 no smoothing, 1 to 5 smoothing. Default value is 0. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-automation`, :ref:`auto_LoadDataset` :sub:`id-859272`