.. highlightlang:: us .. _auto_replacetextdialog: auto_ReplaceTextDialog ====================== .. index:: auto_ReplaceTextDialog .. us.tag auto_ReplaceTextDialog NOTREADYENGLISH DialogBoxes Changed540 :ref:`auto_ReplaceTextDialog` can be used within an automation script to show a text dialog box. .. function:: bool = auto_ReplaceTextDialog() bool = auto_ReplaceTextDialog(hPage) bool = auto_ReplaceTextDialog(ssNetCDFName) bool = auto_ReplaceTextDialog(hPage, ssNetCDFName) bool = auto_ReplaceTextDialog(ncid) bool = auto_ReplaceTextDialog(hPage, ncid) .. us.return **Return Value** *bool* is TRUE (1), when the function was successful and otherwise FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hPage *hPage* is the handle of the page where the text should be edited. If this parameter is not entered or is entered with the value 0, the active page will be used. The active page is the top most page appearing on the monitior. .. uparam:: ssNetCDFName *ssNetCDFName* is the complete netCDF file name. .. uparam:: ncid Identifies the netCDF file. .. us.comment **Comment** If the function is called without the parameter *hPage*, the function uses the last page created with the :ref:`auto_LoadTemplate` function. The function searches the page for placeholders. A place holder is a text enclosed with ``$`` symbols. i.e. ``$User$``. Place-holders can be used in text objects and in the diagram axes titles. If a place-holder is not found in the text of a text object, this function searches the text object's name for one. If a place-holder is found in the name, the text of a text object will appear in a dialog box in order for it to be edited. When the *ssNetCDFName* parameter is entered, the place-holder will be looked for in the NC file. Please note the following: To access a global attribute, the name of the attribute should be entered. For example: ``"Origin"``. To access an attribute of a specific variable, the name of the variable should be separated from the attribute name with a period. For example: ``$Torque.long_name$``. Siehe auch: :ref:`text-placeholder`. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/auto_TextDialog-en.* .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.4.0 - New parameter *ncid*. This parameter can be used instead of the file name. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-automation`, :ref:`auto_ReplaceText`, :ref:`auto_ReplaceTextFromNCFile`, :ref:`auto_GetFileNameDialog`, :ref:`auto_ImportData`, :ref:`text-placeholder` :sub:`id-1813745`