.. highlightlang:: us .. _xyzgetprops: XYZGetProps =========== .. index:: XYZGetProps .. us.tag XYZGetProps NOTREADYENGLISH New403 XYZGet :ref:`XYZGetProps` returns the dataset properties of a 3D dataset (x/y/z). .. function:: ssProps = XYZGetProps(hData) ssProps = XYZGetProps(hData, bDefault) .. us.return **Return Value** *ssProps* is a scalar string with properties of a 3D dataset. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hData The handle of a dataset created with :ref:`XYZCreate`. .. uparam:: bDefault If *bDefault* is FALSE (0) or if the parameter is not specified only the properties that are different from the default properties are returned. If *bDefault* is TRUE (1) all properties are returned. .. us.example **Example** :: XYZGetProps(hData) marker='4' base-value-3d='200' outside-color='#7F7F7F' marker-label-font-face-name='Arial' marker-label-font-height='-9' marker-label-font-pitch-and-family='34' label-font-face-name='Arial' label-font-pitch-and-family='34' bubble='1' bubble-color-type='2' bubble-size-min='20' bubble-size-max='100' .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-xyz-datasets`, :ref:`XYZSetProps`, :ref:`XYZSetDefault` :sub:`id-1597526`