.. highlightlang:: us .. _xyzgetlabelformattype: XYZGetLabelFormatType ===================== .. index:: XYZGetLabelFormatType .. us.tag XYZGetLabelFormatType NOTREADYENGLISH New412 XYZGet_label :ref:`XYZGetLabelFormatType` returns a value that specifies how the decimal places of isoline labels are created (manually or automatically). .. function:: nType = XYZGetLabelFormatType(hData) .. us.return **Return Value** *nType*. If *nType* is 0, the decimal places for isoline labels are set with the :ref:`XYZSetLabelFormat` function. If *nType* is 1, the decimal places are calculated automatically depending on the isoline values. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hData A handle for a dataset created with :ref:`XYZCreate` or :ref:`XYZCreateFromMatrix`. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-xyz-datasets`, :ref:`XYZSetLabelFormatType`, :ref:`XYZSetLabelFormat` :sub:`id-246482`