.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: XYSetProps .. _xysetprops: XYSetProps ========== .. us.tag XYSetProps NOTREADYENGLISH New403 XYSet :ref:`XYSetProps` sets the dataset properties of a 2D dataset. .. function:: bool = XYSetProps(hData, ssProps) .. us.return **Return Value** If the function succeeds, the return value bool is TRUE (1); otherwise it is FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hData The handle of a dataset created with :ref:`XYCreate` or :ref:`TYCreate`. .. uparam:: ssProps *ssProps* is a scalar string with ``NAME='VALUE'``-pairs. Each pair sets one property. The property pairs are separated by a blank, a newline or a tab character. .. us.example **Example** :: XYSetProps(hData, "marker='1' marker-style='circle'"); .. us.comment **Comment** The following table contains all properties of a 2D dataset. The column Type contains the valid value range. A property can have one of the following data types: bool, int, double, color, curve_style, marker_style. bool is the value '0' or '1'. '0' means the off, false and'1' means on or true. int is an in integer number ('1', '-1', '144'). double is a real number like '1.23', '5000', '1e3'. color is a name like 'mediumblue' (see color table), or a value like '#0000CD' or an expression of the form 'rgb(0,0,205)'. The follwing form sets the transparency 'argb(127,0,0,205)'. curve_style can be 'solid' (or '0'), 'dash', 'dot', 'dashdot', 'dashdotdot' ( or '4'). marker_style can be one of the following values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - 'plus' * - 'cross' * - 'simplestar' * - 'circle' * - 'rectangle' * - 'diamond' * - 'triangle' * - 'triangle1' * - 'triangle2' * - 'triangle3' * - 'hourglass' * - 'hourglass' * - 'star' * - 'circledot' * - 'circleplus' * - 'circlecross' * - 'rectdot' * - 'rectplus' * - 'rectcross' * - 'null' * - 'dot' or the int value '0' to '20'. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Setting - Type - Default-Value - Comment * - bar - bool - ``'0'`` - * - bar-base-pos - int - ``'1'`` - '0': Bar origin is the minimum axis value, '1' The origin is set to the drop value (see :ref:`XYSetDropValue`). * - bar-fill-color - color - ``'red'`` - * - bar-fill-alpha - int - ``'255'`` - ``'0'``: transparent, ``'255'``: opaque, Exception: The value ``'1'`` sets alpha to opaque to be compatible to older versions. * - bar-hatch-color - color - ``'black'`` - * - bar-hatch-distance - double - ``'0.3'`` - Distance between the hatch lines in centimeters. * - bar-hatch-offset - double - ``'0.0'`` - * - bar-hatch-style - int - ``'2'`` - * - bar-hatch-width - int - ``'2'`` - * - bar-pen-color - color - ``'black'`` - * - bar-pen-type - curve_style - ``'solid'`` - * - bar-pen-width - int - ``'4'`` - * - bar-pos - double - ``'0'`` - * - bar-type - int - ``'0'`` - * - bar-width - double - ``'0.5'`` - * - bar-width-type - int - ``'0'`` - 0 = width in centimers, 1 = width in percent of the diagram width. * - bar-fill-type - int - ``'1'`` - * - curve - bool - ``'1'`` - * - curve-color - color - ``'black'`` - * - curve-style - curve_style - ``'solid'`` - * - curve-width - int - ``'4'`` - * - data-scale-x-factor - double - ``'1.0'`` - * - data-scale-x-offset - double - ``'0.0'`` - * - data-scale-y-factor - double - ``'1.0'`` - * - data-scale-y-offset - double - ``'0.0'`` - * - drop-pen - bool - ``'0'`` - * - drop-pen-color - color - ``'black'`` - * - drop-pen-style - int - ``'0'`` - * - drop-pen-width - int - ``'1'`` - * - err-bar - bool - ``'0'`` - * - err-bar-x-attrib - int - ``'0'`` - * - err-bar-x-cap-pen-width - int - ``'2'`` - * - err-bar-x-cap-width - double - ``'0.2'`` - * - err-bar-x-pen-color - color - ``'black'`` - * - err-bar-x-pen-style - curve_style - ``'solid'`` - * - err-bar-x-pen-width - int - ``'1'`` - * - err-bar-x-value - double - ``'0.03'`` - * - err-bar-y-attrib - int - ``'0'`` - * - err-bar-y-cap-pen-width - int - ``'2'`` - * - err-bar-y-cap-width - double - ``'0.2'`` - * - err-bar-y-pen-color - color - ``'black'`` - * - err-bar-y-pen-style - curve_style - ``'solid'`` - * - err-bar-y-pen-width - int - ``'1'`` - * - err-bar-y-value - double - ``'0.03'`` - * - fill - bool - ``'0'`` - * - fill-color - color - ``'red'`` - * - fill-alpha - int - ``'255'`` - ``'0'``: transparent, ``'255'``: opaque, Exception: The value ``'1'`` sets alpha to opaque to be compatible with older versions. * - filter-functions - string - ``''`` - * - filter-functions-on - int - ``'0'`` - Set to ``'1'`` to enable the filter functions. * - hatch-color - color - ``'black'`` - * - hatch-distance - double - ``'0.3'`` - * - hatch-offset - double - ``'0.0'`` - * - hatch-style - int - ``'2'`` - * - hatch-width - double - ``'2'`` - * - info-text - string - ``'\*'`` - * - legend-text - string - ``'\*'`` - * - marker - int - ``'0'`` - * - marker-edge-color - color - ``'black'`` - * - marker-edge-width - int - ``'1'`` - * - marker-fill-color - color - ``'red'`` - * - marker-fill-alpha - int - ``'255'`` - ``'0'``: transparent, ``'255'``: opaque, Exception: The value ``'1'`` sets alpha to opaque to be compatible with older versions. * - marker-frequency - int - ``'1'`` - * - marker-original - bool - ``'1'`` - * - marker-size - double - ``'0.2'`` - * - marker-style - marker_style - ``'circle'`` - * - marker-transparent - bool - ``'0'`` - * - name - string - ``''`` - * - x-delta - double - ``'0.0'`` - * - x-start - double - ``'0.0'`` - * - y-base - double - ``'0.0'`` - Notes: **bar-type** set the bar alignment. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - '0' - horizontal * - '1' - vertical **bar-fill-type** sets the bar filling. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 0 * - '0' - No filling * - '1' - Color filling * - '2' - Hatch filling * - '3' - Color and hatch filling **filter-functions** sets the filter functions. Different filter functions are available: smooth data, calculate a spline, fit data etc. For a list of filter functions see :ref:`filter-functions-for-xy-datasets`. .. us.example **Example** :: XYSetProps(hData, "filter-functions-on='1' filter-functions='sort(); akimaspline()'"); **Color Table** .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/color-table.* .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-xy-datasets`, :ref:`XYGetProps`, :ref:`XYSetDefault`, :ref:`XYZSetProps` :sub:`id-428776`