.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: VideoSetCallback .. _videosetcallback: VideoSetCallback ================ .. us.tag VideoSetCallback NOTREADYENGLISH Video-set New5503 :ref:`VideoSetCallback` enables or disables the callback function. .. function:: bool = VideoSetCallback(hVideo, bSet) .. us.return **Return Value** Is TRUE (1), if the function was successful and otherwise FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hVideo Identifies the Video. .. uparam:: bSet *bSet* == TRUE (1) enables the callback function. *bSet* == FALSE (0) disables the callback function. .. us.comment **Comment** The callback function is set with :ref:`OBJSetCallbackFunction`, for example ``OBJSetCallbackFunction(hVideo, "VideoPos", "VideoPosCallback")`` If the position is changed, the following callback function will be invoked:: def VideoPosCallback(hVideo, pos) { } If the mode is changed (start, stop, pause), the following callback function is invoked:: def VideoModeCallback(hVideo, mode) { } *mode* is one of the following values:: #define MCI_MODE_NOT_READY 524 #define MCI_MODE_STOP 525 #define MCI_MODE_PLAY 526 #define MCI_MODE_RECORD 527 #define MCI_MODE_SEEK 528 #define MCI_MODE_PAUSE 529 #define MCI_MODE_OPEN 530 .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2013.3 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-videos`, :ref:`VideoCreate`, :ref:`VideoIsCallback`, :ref:`OBJSetCallbackFunction` :sub:`id-1316989`