.. highlightlang:: us .. _reportcontrol_getinit: ReportControl_GetInit ===================== .. index:: ReportControl_GetInit .. us.tag ReportControl_GetInit ENGLISH New422 DialogBoxes Changed530 Changed550 :ref:`ReportControl_GetInit` converts a string matrix into a scalar string which can be used to initialize the report control in a dialog box. .. function:: ssInit = ReportControl_GetInit(smMatrix) ssInit = ReportControl_GetInit(smMatrix, bUseSaveSep) ssInit = ReportControl_GetInit(smMatrix, bUseSaveSep, smSel) ssInit = ReportControl_GetInit(smMatrix, bUseSaveSep, rvSel) .. us.return **Return Value** *ssInit* is a scalar string. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: smMatrix *smMatrix* is a string matrix with as many columns as the report control. .. uparam:: bUseSaveSep *bUseSaveSep* specifies the cell separators. If the parameter is not given, the records are separated by an OR character ``|`` and the elements of a record are separated by a tab character ``\t``. The selection is separated by a ``@`` character. If the parameter has the value TRUE (1), the value ``\0x01`` is used instead of the OR character. The selection is separated by the value ``\0x02`` instead of the ``@`` character. In this case, the string starts with the value ``\0x01``. The separators ``\0x01`` and ``\0x02`` must be used if the report control contains "Marker" combo boxes, because the init string of marker combo boxes already contains ``@`` characters. The cells of a record are separated by a tabulator character "``\t``". .. uparam:: smSel *smSel* is a string matrix containg the selected rows. .. uparam:: rvSel *rvSel* is a vector with the indices of the selected rows of *smMatrix*. if *rvSel* is 0 now row is selected. .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.5.0 - *rvSel* = 0 is valid. * - 5.3.0 - Add third parameter * - 4.2.2 - New .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-dialogboxes`, :ref:`DialogBox`, :ref:`CreateListBoxText`, :ref:`GetListBoxText`, :ref:`ReportControl_GetMatrix` :sub:`id-963202`