.. highlightlang:: us .. _pagesendlayertopos: PageSendLayerToPos ================== .. index:: PageSendLayerToPos .. us.tag PageSendLayerToPos ENGLISH PageSet Changed5500 :ref:`PageSendLayerToPos` moves a layer to the specified position inside a page. .. function:: bool = PageSendLayerToPos(hPage, hLayer, nPos) .. us.return **Return Value** *bool* is TRUE (1) if the function was successful and otherwise FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hPage *hPage* is the page handle. .. uparam:: hLayer *hLayer* is the layer handle. The background cannot be moved. .. uparam:: nPos *nPos* is the new position. *nPos* = 1 moves the layer to the back and *nPos* = 255 moves the page to the top of the layer stack. .. us.example **Example** Move the second layer to the bottom :: hvLayer = PageGetAllDataLayers(hPage); if (len(hvLayer) >= 2) { PageSendLayerToPos(hPage, hvLayer[2], 1); } .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Decription * - R2013.0 - Documentation added. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-document-pages`, :ref:`AppGetActivePage`, :ref:`PageGetAllDataLayers` :sub:`id-98501`