.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: PageSaveAsBitmapEx .. _pagesaveasbitmapex: PageSaveAsBitmapEx ================== .. us.tag PageSaveAsBitmapEx ENGLISH PageSet New5101 Changed6000 :ref:`PageSaveAsBitmapEx` creates a bitmap with high resolution or WMF file from the given page. .. function:: bool = PageSaveAsBitmapEx(hPage, ssFilename, ssType, rsResolution) .. us.return **Return Value** *bool* TRUE (1) if the file is created successfully; otherwise FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hPage Identifies the page. .. uparam:: ssFilename *ssFilename* is the name of the bitmap file. .. uparam:: ssType Is one of the following string values: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - WMF - Metafile Windows 3.1 * - WMZ - Metafile Compressed * - EMF - Enhanced Metafile Win32 * - EMZ - Enhanced Metafile Compressed * - BMP - Bitmap * - BMZ - Bitmap Compressed * - JPG_LOW - JPEG File Interchange Format, Low Quality * - JPG_NORMAL - JPEG File Interchange Format, Normal Quality * - JPG_HIGH - JPEG File Interchange Format, High Quality * - PNG - High Quality * - TIF - Tagged Image File Format * - GIF - Graphics Interchange Format .. uparam:: rsResolution *rsResolution* sets the bitmap resolution in the range 50 to 1400 DPI. .. us.comment **Comment** In opposite to :ref:`PageSaveAsBitmap`, :ref:`PageSaveAsBitmapEx` can create bitmaps with high resolution. The function uses the :file:`upimage.exe` program in the :file:`uniplot\\program` directory to create the bitmaps. .. us.example **Example** :: hPage = 34; PageSaveAsBitmapEx(hPage, "d:/test.png", "PNG", 300) .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2018 - * - 5.10.1 - New .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-document-pages`, :ref:`PageSaveAsBitmap`, :ref:`PageSaveAsMetafile` :sub:`id-806809`