.. highlightlang:: us .. _objshow: ObjShow ======= .. index:: ObjShow .. us.tag ObjShow ENGLISH :ref:`ObjShow` lists the handles, class names and names of all objects. .. function:: bool = ObjShow() bool = ObjShow(handle) bool = ObjShow(ssClassName) bool = ObjShow(handle, ssClassName) .. us.return **Return Value** If the function succeeds, the return value *bool* is TRUE (1); otherwise it is FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: handle *handle* is a handle. .. uparam:: ssClassName *ssClassName* is a class name. .. us.comment **Comment** If the function is called without parameters, it will show the handles, class names and object names of all objects. If the function is called with a class name i.e. ``"OBJ_DOCUMENT"``, ``"OBJ_LAYER"``, ``"OBJ_TEXT"``, ``"OBJ_XYDATASET"``, ``"OBJ_XYZDATASET"`` the function will get the handles, class names and object names of the chosen class. If the function is called with a handle, it will get the object. If the function is called with a handle and a class name, it will get the first object from the class that has the given handle. Example: If 17 is the handle of a diagram (``OBJ_LAYER``), then ``ObjShow(17, "OBJ_TEXT")`` will get the diagram's first text object. .. seealso:: :ref:`ObjCreate`, :ref:`ObjGetNext`, :ref:`ObjGetClass`, :ref:`ObjGet`, :ref:`ObjGetFirst`, :ref:`ObjGetNext`, :ref:`ObjGetClass`, :ref:`ObjGetName` :sub:`id-1642753`