.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: MapRemoveAt .. _mapremoveat: MapRemoveAt =========== .. us.tag MapRemoveAt NOTREADYENGLISH Map_Set :ref:`MapRemoveAt` looks up the map entry corresponding to the supplied key. If the key is found, it removes the entry. .. function:: bool = MapRemoveAt(hMap, ssKey) .. us.return **Return Value** If the function succeeds, the return value *bool* is TRUE (1); otherwise it is FALSE (0). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hMap *hMap* Identifies the map. .. uparam:: ssKey *ssKey* specifies the key that identifies the element to be removed. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-map`, :ref:`MapCreate`, :ref:`MapSetAt` :sub:`id-752593`