.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: LayerGetAxisLink .. _layergetaxislink: LayerGetAxisLink ================ .. us.tag LayerGetAxisLink ENGLISH LayerGet :ref:`LayerGetAxisLink` returns a vector with handles of linked diagrams. .. function:: hvLink = LayerGetAxisLink(hLayer, ssXY) .. us.return **Return Value** *hvLink* is a vector with the handles of the linked diagram. * If *hvLink* has only one element and *hvLink[1]* is *hLayer*, then the axis of the *hLayer* diagram is not connected to any other axes in other diagrams. * If *hvLink* has more than one element, the first element is the handle of the diagram the given axis is linked to. The other handles belong to diagrams which share the same link. An axis is not linked if *hvLink* contains only one element. * In case of an error, *hvLink* has one element with the value 0. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hLayer Identifies the layer. .. uparam:: ssXY *ssXY* is "X" for the x-axis and "Y" for the y-axis. .. us.example **Example** :: hvL = LayerGetAxisLink(hLayer, "X"); if (len(hvL) != 1) { log_warning("", "Diagram", "Invalid X-Axis link: Link will be removed"); LayerSetAxisLink(hLayer, "X", 0); // Remove link } .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-diagrams`, :ref:`LayerSetAxisLink`, :ref:`LayerSetLink`, :ref:`LayerCreate` :sub:`id-1023857`