.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: ImageGetFrameWidthAndColor .. _imagegetframewidthandcolor: ImageGetFrameWidthAndColor ========================== .. us.tag ImageGetFrameWidthAndColor NOTREADYENGLISH New360 Image ImageGet :ref:`ImageGetFrameWidthAndColor` returns the line width and color of the picture frame. .. function:: rvFrameWidthAndColor = ImageGetFrameWidthAndColor(hImg) .. us.return **Return Value** *rvFrameWidthAndColor* is a vector with 4 elements: The first element is the line with in 0.1 mm steps and the following 3 elements is the color (red, green, blue in the range 0 to 255). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hImg Identifies the image. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-pictures` :sub:`id-1893916`