.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: GridGetSettings .. _gridgetsettings: GridGetSettings =============== .. us.tag GridGetSettings NOTREADYENGLISH New360 Grid :ref:`GridGetSettings` returns a real vector with 8 elements containing the options displayed in the browser dialog box. .. function:: rvConfig = GridGetSettings() .. us.return **Return Value** *rvConfig* is a real vector with 8 elements .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - E[1] - Dataset type 0 for 1D, 1 for 2D, and 2 for 3D dataset. * - E[2] - Variable id (varid) of the selected channel in the x-combo box. * - E[3] - Variable id (varid) of the selected channel in the y-combo box. * - E[4] - Variable id (varid) of the selected channel in the z-combo box. * - E[5] - Autoscale Axes: 1 if checked or 0 if unchecked. * - E[6] - Autoscale Isolines: 1 if checked or 0 if unchecked. * - E[7] - Sort dataset by x: 1 if checked or 0 if unchecked. * - E[8] - Enable record filter: 1 if checked or 0 if unchecked. .. us.comment **Comment** All functions starting with ``Grid`` access the data browser. If the browser dialog isn't open, these functions return an invalid value. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-netcdf-browser`, :ref:`overview-netcdf-files` :sub:`id-981134`