.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: GetProfileSectionNames .. _getprofilesectionnames: GetProfileSectionNames ====================== .. us.tag GetProfileSectionNames ENGLISH uniplot-registry New400 :ref:`GetProfileSectionNames` returns a string vector with the section names. .. function:: svSectionNames = GetProfileSectionNames(ssIniFile) .. us.return **Return Value** *svSectionNames* is a string vector with section names. In case of an error *svSectionNames* is an empty string (""). .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: ssIniFile *ssFileName* is a string naming the initialization file. .. us.example **Example** If the file :file:`d:/test.ini` contains the following text :: [Section] Key=123 the call to :ref:`GetProfileSectionNames` returns the string "Section". :: ssString = GetProfileSectionNames("d:/test.ini"); .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-files`, :ref:`WriteProfileString`, :ref:`WriteProfileInt`, :ref:`GetProfileSection` :sub:`id-515342`