.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: GetLocaleInfo .. _getlocaleinfo: GetLocaleInfo ============= .. us.tag GetLocaleInfo ENGLISH New310 :ref:`GetLocaleInfo` retrieves information about a locale (User Default Country Setting). .. function:: ssInfo = GetLocaleInfo(nInfo) .. us.return **Return Value** *ssInfo* is a scalar string with the country setting value. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: nInfo Identifies the locale information. It can be one of the values below. More values can be found in the VC++ header file WINNLS.H. .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Value - Meaning * - 0x000E - decimal separator * - 0x0002 - localized name of language * - 0x001D - date separator * - 0x001E - time separator * - 0x000C - list item separator * - 0x001F - short date format string * - 0x0020 - long date format string * - 0x1003 - time format string .. us.example **Example** :: * GetLocaleInfo(0x001F) d.M.yy. * GetLocaleInfo(0x000E), .. seealso:: :ref:`DT_SetLocale` :sub:`id-616163`