.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: FontDialog .. _fontdialog: FontDialog ========== .. us.tag FontDialog ENGLISH DialogBoxes :ref:`FontDialog` displays a font dialog box. .. function:: hFont = FontDialog() hFont = FontDialog(hFontold) hFont = FontDialog(rsHeight, nWeight, rsPitchAndFamily, ssFaceName, bUnderline, bItalic, bStrikeOut, rsAngle, rvColorRGB) .. us.return **Return Value** *hFont* is the handle of the created font object, or 0 if the the user has selected the **Cancel** button. .. us.comment **Comment** The parameters of this function are identical to the function :ref:`FontCreate`. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-fonts`, :ref:`FontDestroy`, :ref:`FontCreate`, :ref:`LayerSetAxisLabelFont`, :ref:`LayerSetAxisTitleFont`, :ref:`TBSetFont`, :ref:`XYZSetIsoLabelFont`, :ref:`XYZSetMarkerLabelFont` :sub:`id-626736`