.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: DocSetDataFileList .. _docsetdatafilelist: DocSetDataFileList ================== .. us.tag DocSetDataFileList ENGLISH DocGet New5110 Changed5705 :ref:`DocSetDataFileList` saves the list of used data file names in the document. .. function:: bool = DocSetDataFileList(hDoc, smMatrix) .. us.return **Return Value** .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hDoc *hDoc* is a handle of an UniPlot document. .. uparam:: smMatrix *smMatrix* is a matrix with 6 columns: .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Column - Alias - Description * - 1 - DS_FILE_ORIGIN - Original data file name. For Excel files the sheet name can be added to the file name in square brackets. * - 2 - DS_FILE_NCNAME - Name of the NC file * - 3 - DS_FILE_ACTION - Action string: One of the following values: ``UNCHANGED``, ``SETTOZERO``, ``SETSTYLEONLY`` or an empty string ``""`` for replace data. * - 4 - DS_FILE_STYLEPROPS - 2D style attributes, See :ref:`XYSetProps`. * - 5 - DS_FILE_STYLEPROPS3D - 3D style attributes, See :ref:`XYZSetProps`. * - 6 - DS_FILE_COMMENT - Comment string. * - 7 - DS_FILE_RECORDFILTER - Record-Filter: See :ref:`auto_setfilter` .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - R2015.5 - New column added: DS_FILE_RECORDFILTER * - 5.11.0 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-documents`, :ref:`DocCreate`, :ref:`datadata-exchange-(page)`, :ref:`DocGetDataFileList`, :ref:`DocExchangeDataFiles` :sub:`id-1604520`