.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: DocGetAllPages .. _docgetallpages: DocGetAllPages ============== .. us.tag DocGetAllPages NOTREADYENGLISH DocGet New534 Changed570 :ref:`DocGetAllPages` returns a vector of all page handles for the given document or page handle. .. function:: hvPage = DocGetAllPages(hDoc) hvPage = DocGetAllPages(hDoc, bShowProgress) hvPage = DocGetAllPages(hDoc, bShowProgress, bUpdateFields) hvPage = DocGetAllPages(hPage) hvPage = DocGetAllPages(hPage, bShowProgress) hvPage = DocGetAllPages(hPage, bShowProgress, bUpdateFields) .. us.return **Return Value** *hvPage* is a vector of page handles. The order of the handles is identical with the order of the pages in the document. In case of an error *hvPage* is 0. .. us.params **Parameters** .. uparam:: hDoc Identifies the document. .. uparam:: hPage Identifies a document page. If *hPage* is specified the function uses the :ref:`GetParent` function to retrieve the document handle. .. uparam:: bShowProgress If *bShowProgress* is TRUE (1) a progress bar is displayed in the status bar. Default value is FALSE (0). .. uparam:: bUpdateFields If *bUpdateFields* is TRUE (1) the field functions will be updated. This can slow down the function significantly. Default value is TRUE (1). .. us.history **History** .. list-table:: :header-rows: 1 * - Version - Description * - 5.7.0 - New Parameter *bUpdateFields*. * - 5.3.4 - New. .. seealso:: :ref:`overview-documents`, :ref:`overview-document-pages`, :ref:`DocSelectPage`, :ref:`DocLoadPage` :sub:`id-5168`