View=>Command Window

This command opens the UniScript command window. In this window, you can carry out calculations and run UniScript functions.

UniScript Commands

The command window can be used to run a UniScript function:

m = matlab_load(GetRootDirectory() + "samples/map-data.mat");

To print the value of a variable type in the variable name and press enter:

    BEEWG = matrix 1 x 78 [1002.5, 461.7, 350.3, 322, 302.6, ...]
    CO = matrix 1 x 78 [0.6, 0.08, 0, 0.05, 0.05, ...]
    EWGLST = matrix 1 x 78 [1, 3.1, 5.2, 7.3, 9.4, ...]
    _ = string-matrix 11 x 1 ["N", ...]
object (obj at 0x51DC554)

 1002.5000   461.7000   350.3000   322.0000   302.6000   319.9000  ...

Multiple functions must be separated by a semi-colon:

x = linspace(0, 2*PI, 100); y = sin(x); plot(x, y);

The output can be copied into the clipboard or can be displayed in an editor using the dot command .clip.

Dot Commands

UniPlot R2010 supports dot commands.


Dot commands can only be used at the UniScript command prompt, not in programs.

Dot commands start with a dot. The command can be abbreviated, for example instead of .help you can type in .h If the abbreviation is ambiguous a list with all matching commands will be displayed.

.cd Change directory.
.clear Clears the command window.
.clipboard Opens an editor with the clipboard content.
.cmd Executes a DOS command. Example: .cmd del uniplot.tmp.
.dir Lists a directory. Example: .dir d:\ /os
.edit The .edit command opens a UniScript function in an editor. Example: .edit EdCreate
.explorer Opens the Windows-Explorer. Example: .ex c:\
.help Opens a help topic. Example: .help sin.
.lua Starts Lua.
.quit Quit UniPlot.
.show Lists all handles of documents, datasets, drawing objects, etc.
.system Runs a program. Example: .sys notepad d:\a.txt.
.version Returns the UniPlot version string.
.what Lists UniScript function names. Example: .what *sin*

.cd - change directory. The argument can be a drive or a folder. Entered without an argument the command returns the current path name.

* .cd
* .cd d:
* .cd d:\

.clipboard - If the clipboard contains text the command opens the text in a UniPlot-Editor. Example: .clip

.cmd - Executes a DOS command. Example: .cmd del uniplot.tmp.

.dir - Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory (see also .cd).

* .cd c:\uniplot
* .d
 Volume in drive C has no label.
 Volume Serial Number is 8834-48FF

 Directory of c:\uniplot

31.05.2009  13:24    <DIR>          .
31.05.2009  13:24    <DIR>          ..
11.05.2009  09:46    <DIR>          addin
11.05.2009  09:46    <DIR>          autoload
11.05.2009  09:46    <DIR>          bitmap
11.05.2009  09:46    <DIR>          Formula
24.07.2009  11:34    <DIR>          help
17.06.2009  12:32    <DIR>          Program
11.05.2009  09:46    <DIR>          samples
11.05.2009  09:46    <DIR>          script
11.05.2009  09:46    <DIR>          startup
22.06.2009  11:39    <DIR>          template
06.07.2009  15:35            54.525 Uninstall.exe
           1 File(s)         54.607 bytes
           12 Dir(s)  25.147.686.912 bytes free

.edit - Opens a UniScript function in an editor. Example: .edit sinh opens the file containing the sinh function.

.explorer - Starts the Windows-Explorer. Example: .ex c:\.

.help - displays this page or another help topic.

Example: .help sin. To open a help topic it is easier to place the cursor in the function name and press F1.

.lua - Starts Lua. exit to return to UniScript.


* .lua

    LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta1 -- Copyright (C) 2005-2015 Mike Pall.
    JIT: OFF SSE2 SSE3 SSE4.1 fold cse dce fwd dse narrow loop abc sink fuse
    UniPlot Lua interface v1.0 - Copyright (c) 2015 FEV Software and Testing Solutions GmbH (
    Type 'exit' to return to UniScript

> a = rand(3,3)
> a
0.147248  0.0529661  0.607899
0.763069  0.146725   0.98715
0.261875  0.252775   0.872349

> exit

.quit - Quits UniPlot.

.show - Displays the handle values of all open documents, drawing objects datasets, etc.

.system - Runs a program. Example: .sys notepad d:\a.txt.

.version - Returns the UniPlot version string.

* .v
5.20.0 Date: Jan 23 2010 (x64)

The dot-commands are written in UniScript. See script\uniscript\dot-cmds.ic. Example command .clipboard:

def _cmd_clipboard(s)
    if (IsTextInClipboard()) {
        sClip = GetClipboardText();
        hEd = EdCreate();
        EdSetText(hEd, sClip);
    } else {
        print "no text in clipboard";

The command starts with _cmd_ and has one string parameter. The parameter is the text entered with the command.


To edit a command line, the following keys are supported:

The Insert key switches between type over and insert mode.
Deletes the character following the cursor position.


Arrow right, Arrow left
Moves the cursor one character to the right or the left.

Executes the command line.

Executes the complete command no matter where the cursor in in the line.

Arrow up, Arrow down
Toggles through the command history (last commands).
If the cursor is located a function name and F1 is pressed the help text for that function will be displayed.

Displays the command history list box. The Enter key copies the selected line into the command window.

Searches for an item in the command history. If the command line is empty, all other entries will be shown one after the other. If a command appears, only commands that start with the same characters will be shown.

Deletes the command line.

1.) Aborts the current UniScript task. 2.) If the UniScript interpreter is idle the key clears the command line.

1.) Aborts the current UniScript task. 2.) If the UniScript interpreter is idle: Copies the line containing the cursor to the clipboard.
Inserts a text line from the clipboard to the command line.
Copies the current line into the clipboard.
Copies the complete contents of the command window into the clipboard.
Removes the displayed command from the command history.

See also

