8. Overview Text ObjectsΒΆ

  Create and Destroy
TBCreate TBCreate creates a new text object.
TBDestroy TBDestroy destroys the given text object and frees any memory the text object occupied.
TBConfigDialog Displays the text object configuration dialog box.
TBGetAlignHorz Returns the horizontal text alignment.
TBGetAlignVert Returns the vertical text alignment.
TBGetAngle TBGetAngle returns the angle which is used to print the text.
TBGetEdgeDistance TBGetEdgeDistance returns the distance between the text and the left corner of the text object.
TBGetFont TBGetFont return a copy of the font, which is used to print the text.
TBGetProps TBGetProps gets the font properties.
TBGetRefPoint TBGetRefPoint returns in what direction the extension of a text object will grow.
TBGetText Returns the text.
TBGetTextExtend TBGetTextExtend returns text size, which is necessary to print the text.
TBIsAutoSize TBIsAutoSize returns TRUE (1), if the size of the text object is adjusted automatically to the text extension.
TBIsClipText TBIsClipText returns TRUE (1), if clipping is enabled.
TBIsWordWrap TBIsWordWrap returns TRUE (1), if word wrap is enabled.
TBSetAlignHorz TBSetAlignHorz sets the horizontal text alignment.
TBSetAlignVert TBSetAlignVert sets the vertical alignment.
TBSetAngle TBSetAngle sets the angle under which the text should be drawn.
TBSetAutoSize TBSetAutoSize specifies that the size of the text object should be adjusted automatically to the text extension.
TBSetClipText TBSetClipText enables or disables clipping.
TBSetDefault TBSetDefault sets text settings to default values.
TBSetEdgeDistance TBSetEdgeDistance specifies the distance between the text string and the left and top edges of the bounding box.
TBSetFont TBSetFont sets the font for the specified text object.
TBSetProps TBSetProps sets the text box properties.
TBSetRefPoint TBSetRefPoint specifies in what direction the extension of a text object will grow.
TBSetText TBSetText replaces the text of the specified object with new text.
TBSetWordWrap TBSetWordWrap enables or disables word wrap.
