9. Overview Strings

9.1. Strings

ST_complement Compute the complement of a in b (the elements of b that are not in a).
ST_intersection Find the set intersection of two vectors. (All the elements that are in a and b)
ST_intersectioni Find the set intersection of two vectors and returns an index vector with the positions in a. (All the elements that are in a and b)
ST_set The ST_set function takes an vector argument (A), and returns a vector that is sorted in ascending order, and has no duplicate values.
ST_seti The ST_seti function takes an vector argument (A) and removes duplicate elements. The function returns an index vector of the result.
ST_union ST_union
SplitPath SplitPath breaks a full path into its four components: drive name, diretory name, file name and extension.
SplitPlaceholder SplitPlaceholder splits a placeholder text into tokens.
StringToField StringToField works the same way as the FileToField function. The only difference is that the first parameter of StringToField is a scalar string.
s _s returns a translated string for an English string. If a translation is not available the function returns the English string. So far the only available language is German. A Japanese translation will soon be available.
base64_decode base64_decode decodes a string that had been encoded using the base64_encode function.
base64_encode base64_encode encodes data into the base64 format
binary_decode Is replaced by base64_encode.
binary_encode Is replaced by base64_encode.
format_number format_number converts a number to a string. The decimal character and the thousands separator can be specified.
lltostr lltostr (long-long-to-string) converts a real matrix of integers to a string matrix of specified base. Base must be in the range 2 to 36.
ltostr ltostr (long-to-string) converts a real matrix of integers to a string matrix of specified base. Base must be in the range 2 to 36.
md5 md5 calculates the MD5 check sum using the algorithm http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1321.html, MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm (RFC 1321).
regex regex checks if elements of a string vector matches a regular expression.
regsplit regsplit splits a string using regular expressions.
smprintf smprintf formats a double or string matrix and returns the data as a scalar string or string matrix.
sort sort performs a sort from a real, complex or string matrix or vector.
sorti sorti sorts a real, complex or string matrix or vector in ascending order and returns an index vector of the sorted matrix.
sprintf sprintf returns data in formatted form as a string.
strCharToOem strCharToOem translates a string from the Windows character set into the OEM-defined character set.
strOemToChar strOemToChar translates a string from the OEM-defined character set into the Windows character set.
strcat strcat concatenates the strings of a vector to one string. The elements are separated by a separator string.
strchar strchar creates a string from a vector from numbers.
strcode strcode returns the code values (numbers) of the given string.
strempty strempty creates a matrix of strings with zero length.
strextract strextract returns a substring of its argument string.
strfind strfind searches for the occurence of a substring in a scalar string.
strfindreplace strfindreplace performs a find-and-replace operation in a string matrix.
strlen strlen returns the length of a string in bytes.
strlower strlower converts any uppercase letters in the given string to lowercase.
strmatch strmatch checks if elements of a string matrix match a pattern.
strmatchi strmatchi returns a vector of indices of those matrix elements which match the given pattern.
strremove strremove removes any vector or matrix element that matches the given string ssRemove.
strsplit strsplit splits a scalar string into a string vector of single characters.
strspn strspn returns the index of the first character in smString1 that does not belong to the set of characters in ssString2.
strtod strtod converts a string matrix to a double-precision matrix.
strtok strtok finds all tokens in a scalar string.
strtol strtol converts a string matrix to a long-integer value (32 bit).
strtoseq strtoseq converts a string with a description for a sequence to an integer vector.
strtoull strtoull converts a string matrix to a unsigned long-long-integer value (64 bit). See also strtol.
strtrim strtrim removes all blank and tab characters from a string matrix.
strupper strupper converts any lower case letters in the given string to upper case.
sum sum computes the sum of all elements for a real or complex vector. Strings from string vectors will be appended to a scalar string. When the argument is a matrix, a row vector will be created containing the sum of the matrix columns.
utf8_decode utf8_decode converts an UTF8 string to an ANSI string.
utf8_encode utf8_encode converts an ANSI string to an UTF8 string.
utf8_len utf8_len.
utf_to_locale utf_to_locale creates an 8-Bit-ANSI string from a Unicode string.
uuid uuid returns a Universally Unique Identifier (UUID) as a string.

9.2. Binary Strings

mem_alloc mem_alloc creates a scalar string of the given length.
mem_compare mem_compare compares two strings or string matrices which may contain 0-characters.
mem_compress mem_compress compresses a string which may contain 0-characters.
mem_dump mem_dump prints a string as a memory block into the command window.
mem_get mem_get reads bytes from a string and converts the data.
mem_len mem_len returns the length in bytes of a scalar string or a matrix of strings.
mem_pack mem_pack converts a 16 bit string (UTF 16) to an 8 bit string.
mem_set mem_set sets the bytes in a string to values of a specified data type.
mem_uncompress mem_uncompress uncompresses a string that was compressed with mem_compress or zlib.
mem_unpack mem_unpack creates a string from the given input byte string.

9.3. Unicode Strings

strCharToOem strCharToOem translates a string from the Windows character set into the OEM-defined character set.
strOemToChar strOemToChar translates a string from the OEM-defined character set into the Windows character set.
text_file_read text_file_read reads unicode and ANSI text files.
text_file_write text_file_write writes text into a file in ANSI - or Unicode format.
utf8_decode utf8_decode converts an UTF8 string to an ANSI string.
utf8_encode utf8_encode converts an ANSI string to an UTF8 string.
utf8_len utf8_len.
utf_from_locale utf_from_locale creates a Unicode string from an 8-Bit-ANSI string using the current local code page.
utf_to_locale utf_to_locale creates an 8-Bit-ANSI string from a Unicode string.
