1. Overview Diagrams

  Create and Destroy
LayerCreate LayerCreate creates a new diagram.
LayerDestroy LayerDestroy destroys the given layer and frees any memory the layer occupied.
LayerCanHaveData LayerCanHaveData checks if a layer can hold datasets.
LayerGetAllDatasets LayerGetAllDatasets returns the handles of all datasets.
LayerGetAllObjects LayerGetAllObjects returns the handles of all drawing objects.
LayerGetAutoScale The LayerGetAutoScale returns TRUE (1) if an axis is automatically rescaled if the data of one of the datasets has been changed.
LayerGetAxisDateFormat LayerGetAxisDateFormat returns the axis date format.
LayerGetAxisLink LayerGetAxisLink returns a vector with handles of linked diagrams.
LayerGetAxisMinMaxDelta LayerGetAxisMinMaxDelta returns the start, end and delta values of the axis scale.
LayerGetAxisPen LayerGetAxisPen returns a copy of the axis pen.
LayerGetAxisPosition LayerGetAxisPosition returns the position of the axis.
LayerGetAxisRelPosition LayerGetAxisRelPosition returns the offset by which the axis will be moved relatively to its standard position.
LayerGetAxisScale LayerGetAxisScale returns the scale type of the specified axis.
LayerGetBoundingBox LayerGetBoundingBox returns the bounding box of a diagram. The bounding box is a rectangle that encloses all diagram elements and drawing objects.
LayerGetClip LayerGetClip return the clipping flag. The flag gives an information on which side of the diagram the datasets are clipped.
LayerGetDiagramType LayerGetDiagramType returns the diagram type.
LayerGetLink LayerGetLink gets the link to the grid of a stacked diagram.
LayerGetMinMaxLinePen LayerGetMinMaxLinePen returns the handle to a pen that is used to draw the min/max border lines.
LayerGetParentPage LayerGetParentPage returns the handle of parent page.
LayerGetProps LayerGetProps gets the font properties.
LayerGetSelectedDataset LayerGetSelectedDataset returns the dataset handle that was last selected.
LayerGetSelectedDatasets LayerGetSelectedDatasets returns the handles of all selected datasets.
LayerGetSelectedObjects LayerGetSelectedObjects returns the handles of all selected drawing objects.
LayerIsAxisDescending LayerIsAxisDescending
LayerIsMaxLine LayerIsMaxLine checks if the maximum grid line is visible.
LayerIsMinLine LayerIsMinLine checks if the minimum grid line is visible.
OBJGetVisible OBJGetVisible determines whether a diagram (layer) or drawing object is visible.
LayerAddDataset LayerAddDataset adds datasets to the given diagram.
LayerAddObjects LayerAddObjects adds drawing objects to the given diagram.
LayerAutoScale LayerAutoScale scales the diagram axes depending on the the data range of the diagram’s datasets.
LayerCMtoWC LayerCMtoWC converts centimeter coordinates to world coordinates.
LayerCreateMetaFromFile LayerCreateMetaFromFile creates an OLE drawing object from a file that was created using the OLESaveToFile function. The object will be added to the layer.
LayerGetAxisLinkName LayerGetAxisLinkName returns the axis link name or an empty string if the axis is not linked.
LayerMoveDataset LayerMoveDataset moves datasets to the specified diagram. Datasets can only be moved inside a page. The function can also be used to change the drawing order of datasets.
LayerMoveObjects LayerMoveObjects moves Objects to the specified diagram. Objects can only be moved inside a page. The function can also be used to change the drawing order of Objects.
LayerSetAutoScale The LayerSetAutoScale function specifies if an axis is automatically rescaled if the data of one of the datasets has been changed.
LayerSetAxisDateFormat LayerSetAxisDateFormat sets the date/time format for the axis label.
LayerSetAxisDescending The LayerSetAxisDescending function specifies the orientation of the axis scale.
LayerSetAxisLink LayerSetAxisLink sets with which other diagram the x- or y-axis should be linked to.
LayerSetAxisLinkName LayerSetAxisLinkName sets an diagram axis link.
LayerSetAxisMinMaxDelta The LayerSetAxisMinMaxDelta function specifies the start and end values and the distance between two labels of the axis scale.
LayerSetAxisPen LayerSetAxisPen sets the axis pen.
LayerSetAxisPosition LayerSetAxisPosition specifies the position of the axis or hides the axis of an X/Y diagram.
LayerSetAxisRelPosition The LayerSetAxisRelPosition function specifies the offset by which the axis will be moved relatively to its standard position.
LayerSetAxisScale LayerSetAxisScale specifies the scale type of a diagram axis.
LayerSetClip LayerSetClip sets if datasets are clipped at the diagram borders.
LayerSetDiagramType LayerSetDiagramType sets the diagram type.
LayerSetLink LayerSetLink sets the link to the grid of a stacked diagram or unlinks a diagram from a stacked diagram.
LayerSetMinMaxLinePen LayerSetMinMaxLinePen
LayerSetProps LayerSetProps sets the layer (diagram) properties.
LayerShowMinMaxLine LayerShowMinMaxLine specifies if the diagrams min and max lines are visible.
LayerUpdateDocumentMap LayerUpdateDocumentMap updates the document table that is used for the axes links.
LayerWCtoCM LayerWCtoCM returns centimeter coordinates for the given world coordinates.
OBJSetVisible OBJSetVisible shows or hides a diagram or drawing object.
LayerGetWaterfallAttrib LayerGetWaterfallAttrib returns waterfall attributes.
LayerGetWaterfallLabelFreq LayerGetWaterfallLabelFreq returns a number that specifies how many datasets in a waterfall diagram should be labeled.
LayerGetWaterfallLabelType LayerGetWaterfallLabelType returns the label type. The label type specifies how the datasets in waterfall diagram should be labeled.
LayerGetWaterfallOffset LayerGetWaterfallOffset returns the width and height of a waterfall diagram.
LayerSetWaterfallAttrib LayerSetWaterfallAttrib sets waterfall attributes.
LayerSetWaterfallLabelFreq LayerSetWaterfallLabelFreq specifies how many datasets in a waterfall diagram should be labeled.
LayerSetWaterfallLabelType LayerSetWaterfallLabelType specifies how the datasets in a waterfall diagram should be labeled.
LayerSetWaterfallOffset LayerSetWaterfallOffset sets the width and height of a waterfall diagram.
LayerGet3DBoxRatio LayerGet3DBoxRatio gets the length of the 3D diagram edges.
LayerGet3DView LayerGet3DView gets the view parameters of the 3D diagram.
LayerGet3DViewType LayerGet3DViewType returns the 3D view type. The type can be orthographic or perspective.
LayerIs3D LayerIs3D checks if the diagram is plotted as a 3D diagram.
LayerIs3DAxisLabelAlignHorz LayerIs3DAxisLabelAlignHorz checks if the axis labels are aligned horizontally.
LayerIs3DBox LayerIs3DBox checks, if the 3D diagram is plotted as a closed box.
LayerSet3D LayerSet3D
LayerSet3DAxisLabelAlignHorz LayerSet3DAxisLabelAlignHorz
LayerSet3DBoxRatio LayerSet3DBoxRatio
LayerSet3DShowBox LayerSet3DShowBox
LayerSet3DView LayerSet3DView
LayerSet3DViewType LayerSet3DViewType sets the projection type for a 3D diagram.
LayerGetPolarConfig LayerGetPolarConfig returns the polar diagram configuration.
LayerSetPolarConfig LayerSetPolarConfig set the polar diagram configuration.
LayerGetAxisTB LayerGetAxisTB returns a copy of the handle of an axis title.
LayerGetAxisTextPosSize LayerGetAxisTextPosSize returns the position and size of the bounding rectangle of an axis text.
LayerGetAxisTitle LayerGetAxisTitle returns the axis title.
LayerGetAxisTitleFont LayerGetAxisTitleFont returns the font of the specified axis.
LayerGetAxisTitleOffset LayerGetAxisTitleOffset
LayerIsAxisTitle LayerIsAxisTitle checks if the axis title is visible.
LayerIsAxisTitleAutoPos LayerIsAxisTitleAutoPos returns if the position of the axis title is calculated automatically.
LayerIsAxisTitleFreePos LayerIsAxisTitleFreePos returns TRUE (1) if the axis title position can be modified using the mouse.
LayerSetAxisTB LayerSetAxisTB copies the specified text object into the axis title.
LayerSetAxisTitle The LayerSetAxisTitle function specifies the axis title.
LayerSetAxisTitleAutoPos LayerSetAxisTitleAutoPos specifies if the position of the axis title should be calculated automatically.
LayerSetAxisTitleFont LayerSetAxisTitleFont sets the axis title font.
LayerSetAxisTitleFreePos LayerSetAxisTitleFreePos specifies if the position of the axis title can be modified using the mouse.
LayerSetAxisTitleOffset LayerSetAxisTitleOffset specifies the position of the axis title relative to the axis.
LayerShowAxisTitle LayerShowAxisTitle shows or hides axis title.
LayerGetAxesAttribs The LayerGetAxesAttribs retrieves display attribs for the diagram axis.
LayerGetAxisLabel LayerGetAxisLabel returns the axis labels as a string vector.
LayerGetAxisLabelFont LayerGetAxisLabelFont returns the handle of the axis label font.
LayerGetAxisLabelFormat LayerGetAxisLabelFormat returns the number format of the axes labels.
LayerGetAxisUserLabel LayerGetAxisUserLabel retrieves the user labels. The user labels are labels which can be places at the axis. The labels can display text.
LayerGetAxisUserLabelAttribs LayerGetAxisUserLabelAttribs returns the display attributes for axis labels.
LayerGetFirstLabel LayerGetFirstLabel returns the value set with LayerSetFirstLabel. No labels are displayed below this value.
LayerGetLabelNum Gets the number of axis labels for autoscale set with:ref:LayerSetLabelNum.
LayerGetLastLabel LayerGetLastLabel returns a value set with LayerSetLastLabel. No labels are displayed above this value.
LayerGetWaterfallLabelFreq LayerGetWaterfallLabelFreq returns a number that specifies how many datasets in a waterfall diagram should be labeled.
LayerGetWaterfallLabelType LayerGetWaterfallLabelType returns the label type. The label type specifies how the datasets in waterfall diagram should be labeled.
LayerIs3DAxisLabelAlignHorz LayerIs3DAxisLabelAlignHorz checks if the axis labels are aligned horizontally.
LayerIsAxisLabel LayerIsAxisLabel checks if the axis labels are visible.
LayerIsFirstLabel LayerIsFirstLabel
LayerIsLabelNumEnabled Returns TRUE if the fixed number of labels is used for autoscale.
LayerIsLastLabel LayerIsLastLabel
LayerSet3DAxisLabelAlignHorz LayerSet3DAxisLabelAlignHorz
LayerSetAxesAttribs The LayerSetAxesAttribs sets display attribs for the x an y axis.
LayerSetAxisLabel LayerSetAxisLabel specifies the text of the axis labels.
LayerSetAxisLabelFont LayerSetAxisLabelFont sets the axis label font.
LayerSetAxisLabelFormat LayerSetAxisLabelFormat specifies the number format of the axis labels.
LayerSetAxisUserLabel LayerSetAxisUserLabel sets the user labels. The user labels are labels which can be places at the axis. The labels can display text.
LayerSetAxisUserLabelAttribs LayerSetAxisUserLabelAttribs sets display attributes for axis labels.
LayerSetFirstLabel LayerSetFirstLabel
LayerSetFixedLabelNum Sets in connection with LayerSetLabelNum the number of axis labels for autoscale.
LayerSetLabelNum Sets in connection with LayerSetFixedLabelNum the number of axis labels for autoscale.
LayerSetLastLabel LayerSetLastLabel sets a value for the specified axis. No labels are displayed above this value.
LayerSetWaterfallLabelFreq LayerSetWaterfallLabelFreq specifies how many datasets in a waterfall diagram should be labeled.
LayerSetWaterfallLabelType LayerSetWaterfallLabelType specifies how the datasets in a waterfall diagram should be labeled.
LayerShowAxisLabel LayerShowAxisLabel shows or hides axis lables.
LayerShowFirstLabel LayerShowFirstLabel
LayerShowLastLabel LayerShowLastLabel
LayerGetMajorGridPen LayerGetMajorGridPen returns the handle to a pen that is used to draw the major grid lines.
LayerGetMinorGridPen LayerGetMinorGridPen returns the handle to a pen that is used to draw the minor grid lines.
LayerIsMajorGrid LayerIsMajorGrid checks if the major grid lines are visible.
LayerIsMinorGrid LayerIsMinorGrid checks if the minor grid lines are visible.
LayerSetGridPen LayerSetGridPen sets the grid line pen.
LayerShowGrid LayerShowGrid specifies, if the diagram grid will be visible.
LayerGetAxisMajorTickLen LayerGetAxisMajorTickLen returns the major tick length of the specified axis.
LayerGetAxisMajorTickWidth LayerGetAxisMajorTickWidth returns the major tick width of the specified axis.
LayerGetAxisMinorTickLen LayerGetAxisMajorTickLen returns the length of the minor axis ticks in cm.
LayerGetAxisMinorTickWidth LayerGetAxisMinorTickWidth returns the width of the minor axis ticks in 0.1 mm steps.
LayerGetAxisNTicks LayerGetAxisNTicks returns the number of minor axis ticks.
LayerGetAxisTickPos LayerGetAxisTickPos returns the position of the specified axis.
LayerSetAxisMajorTickLen LayerSetAxisMajorTickLen sets the length of the major ticks.
LayerSetAxisMajorTickWidth LayerSetAxisMajorTickWidth sets the width of the major ticks.
LayerSetAxisMinorTickLen LayerSetAxisMinorTickLen sets the length of the minor ticks.
LayerSetAxisMinorTickWidth LayerSetAxisMinorTickWidth sets the width of the minor ticks.
LayerSetAxisNTicks LayerSetAxisNTicks specifies the number of minor axis ticks.
LayerSetAxisTickPos LayerSetAxisTickPos sets the axis ticks position
  Cursor Functions
LayerAddCursorColumnNames LayerAddCursorColumnNames
LayerGetCursorAttrib LayerGetCursorAttrib returns attributes about the cursor.
LayerGetCursorPen LayerGetCursorPen
LayerGetCursorPosition LayerGetCursorPosition returns the cursor position.
LayerIsCursor LayerIsCursor
LayerSetCursorAttrib LayerSetCursorAttrib sets the cursor attributes.
LayerSetCursorColumnData LayerSetCursorColumnData
LayerSetCursorPen LayerSetCursorPen
LayerSetCursorPosition LayerSetCursorPosition
LayerShowCursor LayerShowCursor enables or disables the data cursor.

More settings can be set here: Overview Drawing Objects.

1.1. Stacked/Grouped Bab Plots (Category Plot)

A category plot has an x-axis for the categories and a y-axis for the numeric values. Each category can display a value or text. Most often the data is displayed as bars. The width and position of the bars is set automatically. The bars in a category (group) can be stacked and/or displayed side-by-side. Each bar can display ity y-value.


Only the x axis can be used as a category axis. The category axis starts with 0 and ends at the number of categories +1. The axis can be set as a category axis in the Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>Parameters dialog box.


The bars can only displayed vertical. All bars will have the identical width. Between the bars and the categories a gap size can be specified.

For a category plot the x coordinates of datasets are ignored. The first data point will be added the the first category. Only the first 1025 data points will be displayed in a category plot.

  • To create a category plot choose Type = "Category Plot" in the data browser.
  • For the “Label” field choose a channel to label the x-axis. This can be a real or string channel.
  • Drag all channels into a diagram or onto a document page.

The functions NC_plotcategory and plotcategory can be used to create a category with UniScript. With NC_plotcategory a category plot can be created directly from an NC file. If the is already calculated plotcategory can be invoked.

LayerGetCategoryGapWidth LayerGetCategoryGapWidth gets the gap between the the categorys of a category plot.
LayerGetCategoryOverlap LayerGetCategoryOverlap gets the gap between the the categorys of a category plot.
LayerSetCategoryGapWidth LayerSetCategoryGapWidth sets the gap size between categories of a category plot.
LayerSetCategoryOverlap LayerSetCategoryOverlap sets the overlap between the datasets (bars) of a category plot.
