
sort performs a sort from a real, complex or string matrix or vector.

mSorted = sort(mUnsorted)
mSorted = sort(mUnsorted, options)

Return Value

mSorted is the sorted matrix.



mUnsorted is the unsorted matrix. The first column will be sorted and the other columns will be changed accordingly to match the first column.


options is a OR combination of the following values:

SORT_REVERT (1) Sort in descending order. Default ascending order.
SORT_CASE (2) Case sensitive sorting (only for string vectors/matrices). Default: sort ignores case.


* srand("test")
* a = rand(3,3)
* a
    0.5536     0.7214     0.6267
    0.0735     0.9892     0.8892
    0.4024     0.0891     0.5894
* sort(a) // sort 1 column
    0.0735     0.9892     0.8892
    0.4024     0.0891     0.5894
    0.5536     0.7214     0.6267
* // sort 2 column
* a[;2,1,3] = sort(a[;2,1,3])
* a
    0.4024     0.0891     0.5894
    0.5536     0.7214     0.6267
    0.0735     0.9892     0.8892


Version Description
R2013.2 Uses mergesort instead of quicksort. Mergesort is a stable sort, which means the implementation preserves the input order of equal elements in the sorted output.
5.3.2 The SORT_REVERT and SORT_CASE constant definition added.
5.0.0 New parameter options.

See also

sorti, reshape
