
auto_ImportData opens a data file and converts it to a UniPlot data file (.nc2). The netCDF file is saved in the directory of the source data file or in the directory specified in Tools=>More Options dialog. The function can be used to import data from all supported file formats (Text-, Excel-, netCDF-Files etc.). For Excel files, the table name can be specified as the second parameter.

ssFileNameNC = auto_ImportData(ssFileName)
ssFileNameNC = auto_ImportData(ssFileName, ssExcelTable)

Return Value

ssFileNameNC is the name of the created UniPlot data file. Example: If the name of the source data file is "c:/test/test1.dat", then ssFileNameNC is "c:/test/test1.nc2". If a directory is given in Tools=>More Options under netCDF-data file directory, the NC files can be saved in the specified directory. If the data import fails the function returns an empty string ("").



ssFileName is the complete file name with drive and path. The single components of the file name will be separated by either a slash ("/") or a double backslach ("\"). If ssFileName is the name of an Excel file, the name of the Excel table can follow the file name in square brackets. Example: auto_ImportData("c:/test/test1.xls [Sheet 1]"). In this case, the table name should not be given again as the second parameter.


ssExcelTable is the name of an Excel file table. Table names are not case sensitive. If a table name is not given, the first table will be imported. The parameter ssExcelTable will be ignored for other than Excel files.


def test_auto_ImportData()
    hPage = auto_LoadTemplate(GetRootDirectory() + "template/tpl_ger.ipw", ..
            "1 Diagramm - 1 y-Achse (Hochformat)");
    auto_ImportData(GetRootDirectory() + "samples/vollast.asc");
    auto_LoadDataset("Diagramm1", "N", "MEFF");

    if (_g().unit_test_cleanup) {
