
XYZGetIsoline retrieves the isoline x/y coordinates of a 3D dataset.

rmXY = XYZGetIsoline(hData, nIsoValue, nLineIndex)

Return Value

rmXY is a 2 column matrix with the x/y coordinates or 0.0 if the isoline specified does not exist.



A handle for a dataset created with XYZCreate.


nIsoValue is the index of the isoline. The index starts with 1. The index of the smallest isoline value is 1.


nLineIndex is the index of the isoline element, starting with 1.


The following example converts all isolines of a 3D dataset to 2D datasets.

def XYZ_to_XY(hXYZData)
    hLayer = GetParent(hXYZData)
    nIso = XYZGetNumberOfIsoValues(hXYZData);
    for (i in 1:nIso) {
        j = 1;
        while (1) {
            xy = XYZGetIsoline(hXYZData, i, j);
            if (len(xy) == 1) {
            hXY = XYCreate(sprintf("%g", rvValues[i]), xy[;1], xy[;2]);
            LayerAddDataset(hLayer, hXY);
            j = j+1;

The following example save the coordinates for each isoline in an Excel Sheet. Copy the example into a file with the extension .ic and save the file in the UniPlot autoload directory. To execute the function select a 3D dataset and choose the Iso to Excel command in the user toolbar:

RegisterCommand("3D-Datensatz", "__IsoToExcel", "Iso to Excel...");

def <smMatrix, smType> = XYZ_to_XY(hXYZData)
     oData = [.];
     oData.MaxN = 0;

     nLine = 0;
     nIso = XYZGetNumberOfIsoValues(hXYZData);
     rvValues = XYZGetIsoValues(hXYZData);
     for (i in 1:nIso) {
          j = 1;
          while (1) {
               rmXY = XYZGetIsoline(hXYZData, i, j);
               if (len(rmXY) == 1) {
               if (j == 1) {
                    oValue = [.];
                    oValue.nLine = 0;
               oLine = [.];
               oLine.Value = rvValues[i];
               oLine.rmXY = rmXY;
               oValue[j] = oLine;
               oValue.nLine = oValue.nLine + 1;
               if (oData.MaxN < nr(rmXY)) {
                    oData.MaxN = nr(rmXY);
               j = j+1;
               nLine = nLine + 1;
          if (j > 1) {
               oData[i] = oValue;
     iCol = 1;
     smMatrix = strempty(oData.MaxN+2, nLine*2);
     smType = strempty(oData.MaxN+2, nLine*2) + "s";

     rvKeys = oData.keys(1);
     for (i in rvKeys) {
          oValue = oData[i];
          nLine = oValue.nLine;
          for (j in 1:nLine) {
               iiCol = iCol + (j-1) * 2;
               smMatrix[1; iiCol] = sprintf("%.10lf", oValue[j].Value);
               smMatrix[2; iiCol] = sprintf("%d", j);
               smType[1; iiCol] = "";
               smType[2; iiCol] = "";
               rmXY = oValue[j].rmXY;
               smMatrix[3:nr(rmXY)+2; iiCol, iiCol+1] = smprintf("%.10lf", rmXY);
               smType[3:nr(rmXY)+2; iiCol, iiCol+1] = "";
          iCol = iCol + nLine * 2;

def __IsoToExcel()
     hvHandle = GetActiveXYZHandles();
     if (hvHandle[4] == 0) {
          MessageBoxError("Please select a map dataset");
          return 0;

     ssFileName = GetSaveFileName("", "Excel-Tabelle (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx|", 1,
                                        "Save Isoline values...");
     if (ssFileName == "") {
     ssFileName = _AddFileNameExtension(ssFileName, ".xlsx");
     <smMatrix, smType> = XYZ_to_XY(hvHandle[4]);
     bRet = ExcelWriteEx(ssFileName, smMatrix, smType);
     if (bRet) {
     } else {
          MessageBoxError("Write Excel File failed.")
