
XYZGet3DSurfaceType returns the style of the surface map.

nType = XYZGet3DSurfaceType(hData)

Return Value

nType is one of the following values:

Value Meaning
STYLE_SURF_FISHNET (0) A grid without the removal of the hidden lines (Transparent Grid).
STYLE_SURF_SOLIDCOLOR (1) A surface map in one color.
STYLE_SURF_COLORGRADIENT (2) A surface map with color gradient.
STYLE_3D_PEAKS (3) Plot the interpolation matrix as needles.
STYLE_3D_BARS (4) Plots the interpolation matrix as a bar scatter plot.
STYLE_3D_BARS_COLORGRAD (5) Plots the interpolation matrix as a bar scatter plot. Bar color depending on z value.
STYLE_3D_SCATTER (6) Plots the scattered (original) data as a bar plot.
STYLE_3D_SCATTER_COLORGRAD (7) Plots the scattered (original) data as a bar plot. Bar color depending on z value.



A handle for a dataset created with XYZCreate.
