
GetObject returns a reference to an embedded OLE object or a reference to an application instance.

o = GetObject(hOleObject)
o = GetObject(ssServer)

Return Value

o is a reference to an embedded COM object it the function was called with a UniScript handle as the first parameter. If the parameter is an application name, the function returns a reference to an existing instance of the application. If the application is not running already, it will be started.



hOleObject is the UniScript handle of an embedded object.


is the application name, e.g. Word.Application or Excel.Application.


If the server application is not responding a MessageBox is displayed after the default time out. The default timeout value is 30 seconds. It can be set with OLESetTimeout(nSeconds).


The following example expects that Excel 2000 or Excel 97 is installed.

def _GetObjectByName(ssName)
    hObj = ObjGetFirst()
    if (ObjGetName(hObj) == ssName) {
        return hObj;
    while ((hObj = ObjGetNext()) != 0) {
        if (ObjGetName(hObj) == ssName) {
            return hObj;
    return 0;
def test()
    hDoc = DocCreate(GetRootDirectory() + "Samples\Ole\Simple.ipw")
//  hDoc = DocCreate("d:\uniplotr\Samples\Ole\Simple.ipw");
    if (hDoc == 0) error("can't open document");
    hOleObject = _GetObjectByName("magic0101");
    if (hOleObject == 0) error("can't find Excel table");
    excel = GetObject(hOleObject);
    if (excel == 0) error("can't execute Excel");
    excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,1).Value = "x";
    excel.ActiveSheet.Cells(1,2).Value = "y";
    excel.ActiveSheet.Range("a2:a31").Value = [2:31]';
    excel.ActiveSheet.Range("b2:b31").Value = rand(31, 1);

The following example shows a function that sends all doument pages to MS-Word.

def SendToMSWord(hDoc)
    obj = GetObject("Word.Application")
//  obj = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    if (obj == 0) {
        error(sprintf(_s("Cannot start %s"), "Word"));
    ad = obj.ActiveDocument;
    j = 1;
    hPageAct = DocGetActivePage(hDoc);
    nPageSel = DocGetPageNumber(hDoc, hPageAct);
    nPage = DocGetPageCount(hDoc);
    AppProgressCreate(0, nPage, 1, FALSE);
    for (i in nPage:1) {
        hPage = DocGetPageHandle(hDoc, i);
        ssFile = GetTempFileName();
        PageSaveAsMetafile(hPage, ssFile);
        ad.Shapes.AddPicture(ssFile, 0, 1).ConvertToInlineShape();
    DocSelectPage(hDoc, nPageSel);
    obj.Visible = 1;
    return TRUE;

The following example is a small interface for Excel files. The interface can be used to read cell values and write cell values into a sheet. See function Test().

def excel_com_open(ssFileName)
   obj = [.];
   ox = GetObject("Excel.Application");
   if (ox == 0) {
      MessageBox(sprintf(_s("Cannot start %s"), "MS-Excel"), ["ICONHAND"]);
              return FALSE;
   if (strtod(ox.Application.Version()) < 8.0) {
      MessageBoxError(_s("Only MS-Excel 97, MS-Excel 2000 or newer is supported"));
      return FALSE;
   ssXLSTemplateFileName = MakeFullPath(ssFileName);
   ssXLSTemplateFileName = strfindreplace(ssXLSTemplateFileName, "\\\\", "\\");
   if (ox.Workbooks.Open(ssXLSTemplateFileName) == 0) {
      MessageBoxError(_s("Cannot open file:") + " " + ssXLSTemplateFileName);
      return FALSE;
   obj.ox = ox;
   return obj;

def excel_com_select_worksheet(obj, ssSheetName)
   nTable = obj.ox.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.count();
   for (i in 1:nTable) {
      ssName = obj.ox.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Name;
      if (ssName == ssSheetName) {
         obj.oSheet = obj.ox.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(i);
         return TRUE;
   obj.oSheet = 0;
   return FALSE;

def excel_com_write(obj, pValue, iRow, iCol)
   obj.oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value = pValue;

def excel_com_read(obj, iRow, iCol)
   return obj.oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value;

def excel_com_close(obj)
   obj.ox = 0;

The given sheet name must exist in the Excel file.
def Test()
   obj = excel_com_open("d:/test_excel.xls");
   if (obj == 0) {
   excel_com_select_worksheet(obj, "Sheet1"); // Select sheet
   excel_com_write(obj, "Hello", 2,3);  // Write "Hello" in cell C2
   excel_com_write(obj, 123.543, 2,4);  // Write the number´123.543 in cell D2
   ssVal = excel_com_read(obj, 2,3);  // Read cell
   ssVal = excel_com_read(obj, 2,4);
   excel_com_close(obj);  // Save modified file and close it.

The following example is a small interface for Excel files. The interface can be used to read cell values and write cell values into a sheet. See function Test().

def excel_com_open(ssFileName)
   obj = [.];
   ox = GetObject("Excel.Application");
   if (ox == 0) {
      MessageBox(sprintf(_s("Cannot start %s"), "MS-Excel"), ["ICONHAND"]);
              return FALSE;
   if (strtod(ox.Application.Version()) < 8.0) {
      MessageBoxError(_s("Only MS-Excel 97, MS-Excel 2000 or newer is supported"));
      return FALSE;
   ssXLSTemplateFileName = MakeFullPath(ssFileName);
   ssXLSTemplateFileName = strfindreplace(ssXLSTemplateFileName, "\\\\", "\\");
   if (ox.Workbooks.Open(ssXLSTemplateFileName) == 0) {
      MessageBoxError(_s("Cannot open file:") + " " + ssXLSTemplateFileName);
      return FALSE;
   obj.ox = ox;
   return obj;

def excel_com_select_worksheet(obj, ssSheetName)
   nTable = obj.ox.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets.count();
   for (i in 1:nTable) {
      ssName = obj.ox.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(i).Name;
      if (ssName == ssSheetName) {
         obj.oSheet = obj.ox.ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets(i);
         return TRUE;
   obj.oSheet = 0;
   return FALSE;

def excel_com_write(obj, pValue, iRow, iCol)
   obj.oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value = pValue;

def excel_com_read(obj, iRow, iCol)
   return obj.oSheet.Cells(iRow, iCol).Value;

def excel_com_close(obj)
   obj.ox = 0;

The given sheet name must exist in the Excel file.
def Test()
   obj = excel_com_open("d:/test_excel.xls");
   if (obj == 0) {
   excel_com_select_worksheet(obj, "Sheet1"); // Select sheet
   excel_com_write(obj, "Hello", 2,3);  // Write "Hello" in cell C2
   excel_com_write(obj, 123.543, 2,4);  // Write the number´123.543 in cell D2
   ssVal = excel_com_read(obj, 2,3);  // Read cell
   ssVal = excel_com_read(obj, 2,4);
   excel_com_close(obj);  // Save modified file and close it.
