
GetListBoxText splits the return value of a combo box or list box into a string vector. The value is returned from the DialogBox function.

svSel = GetListBoxText(ssText)
<svList, svSel> = GetListBoxText(ssText)
<svList, svSel, rvSelIndex> = GetListBoxText(ssText)
svSel = GetListBoxText(ssText, bSplit)
<svList, svSel> = GetListBoxText(ssText, bSplit)
<svList, svSel, rvSelIndex> = GetListBoxText(ssText, bSplit)

Return Value

svSel is a string vector with the selected elements. svList is a vector with the elements of the listbox. rvSelIndex is a real vector with the indices (row numbers) of the selected elements.



ssText is a scalar string which is returned from the DialogBox function or a dialog callback function.


If bSplit is TRUE (1) the element is split into a string vector. Default value is TRUE (1).


Version Description
4.2.2 New
4.2.4 Function can handle the separators | and @ or \0x01 and \0x02.
5.3.0 New return parameter rvSelIndex.
