UniPlot’s Use of the Windows Registry

The following article is intended for UniPlot 3.4.x and above.

Registry Database

UnPlot saves settings like the recently used files list or the setup of the toolbars in the Windows registry under the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RSB\UniPlot5. In UniPlot Version 3 and 4 the key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\RSB\UniPlot was used.

The registry can be edited using the Windows program (regedit.exe).

If the environment variable UNIPLOT_INI=filename is set or UniPlot is started with the command option /IniFileName filename it will not use the windows registry. Instead all settings are saved in a text file. The environment variable UNIPLOT_INI=filename can be set in the Control Panel (Example Windows XP: System=>Advanced=>Environment Variables). If the command switch user is specified in the command line the user-name is added to the filename. See Using a different Base Key.

The following command line will use the ini file d:\uniplot-Peter.ini

c:\program files\uniplot\program\uniplot.exe /user "Peter" /IniFileName "d:\uniplot"


Key Type Default Value Description
Menu/FormulaConfiguration DWORD 1 0:Display menu.
Menu/ViewAddInManager DWORD 1 0:Display menu.
Menu/CustomizeUserToolbar DWORD 1 0:Display menu.
Settings/AddNCExtension String 1 Data-Import: 1:Add the source file name extension to the NC file name.
Settings/AddNCExcelSheetName Number 1 Data-Import: 1:Add the sheet name of Excel files to the NC file name.
Settings/StartUp DWORD 1 0: Do not display UniPlot splash screen.
Settings/Combo1ExtraWidth Number 0 Extra width for the toolbar combobox 1 (Recent NC file list)in pixel (0..400). Needs a restart.
Settings/Combo2ExtraWidth Number 0 Extra width for the toolbar combobox 2 (Dataset Style List) in pixel (0..400). Needs a restart.
Settings/User-Home-Directory String “” Path of the local directory with user specific settings.
Settings/NEW-Command-Template-File String “” Template for the File=>New command.
Settings/Global-Options-File String “” Complete file name of the uniplot.inb file. The file contains the settings of the Tools=>Options command.
Settings/EditXYDatasetCoordinates DWORD 1 0:Setting if the editing of XY dataset coordinates is enabled.
Settings/standard-netcdf-files Number 0 See Overview UniPlot Data Files.
Settings/XYZOutsideValue String None See File=>More File Functions=>Save 3D Data Matrix
Settings/nRecentFiles Number 12 Number of recent files in the file menu (8 - 16).
Settings/simple-scrolling Number 0 If 1 the document window is updated after the scrolling is finished.
Settings/missing_string String ****** String to mark missing values. Is used when data is copied to clipboard in the data editor.
Settings/MDF_StripDeviceName Number 0 Flag for MDF import. For example INCA/VS100. If the flag has the value 1, the channel name in MDF files is cut at the first backslash. Normally the channel and device names are separated by a backslash. Default Value is 0. Example: G3_InjCrv_phiMI1Des_ETKC_1 (Name with device name ETKC), G3_InjCrv_phiMI1Des (Name without the device name).
Settings/MDF_StripGroupName Number 0 Flag for MDF import. For example INCA/VS100. If the flag has the value 1, the channel name in MDF files does not contain the groupname, e.g. G1_. Default Value is 0. Example: G3_InjCrv_phiMI1Des_ETKC_1 (Name with group number), InjCrv_phiMI1Des (Name without group number).
Settings/autoscale-add-extra-space Number 0 If set to 1, extra space is added, so that the data does not start or end on the diagram borders. If set to 0, the data may start or end on the diagram border.
Settings/data-symbol-clipping Number 0 If set to 0, the data point symbols of a 2D dataset will not be clipped at the diagram border. If set to 1, the symbols will be clipped at the border.
Settings/ReportMenuName String Report Set the menu name of the Report menu See auto_AddToUI.
Settings/LabelDataPoint_Count Number 50 Sets the maximum number of labels for the field function @f{labeldatapoint}.
Settings/editor-window-font-name String “Courier New” Sets the font for the program editor. Only monospaced Fonts can be used. (Courier New, consolas etc.)
Settings/editor-window-font-size Number 10 Font size for the program editor.
Settings/command-window-font-name String “Courier New” Sets the font for the command windows. Only monospaced Fonts can be used. (Courier New, consolas etc.)
Settings/command-window-font-size Number 14 Font size for the command window.
Settings/UTX_Split_Name_Unit Number 1 If the channelname contains in unit in square brackets, the unit is removed from the channel name and stored as the unit. Example: Speed [1/min] is split into channel name Speed and unit rpm. If the key is set to 0, the channel name is Speed_1_min_. Applies to UTX Files, Excel Files, Text Files.
Setings/browser-load-startup Number 1 Reload last open netCDF file into the data browser during start up of UniPlot (0/1).
Settings/nc-allow-special-chars Number 0  
GRID_OPTIONS/ExtraTitle String units _none_
Settings/ipz-pack-on-close Number 1 Specifies, if an IPZ file is packed after the file has been closed. See DocDestroy.
settings/”, “nc_use_groups” Number 0

Enable/Disable the display of the tree structure in the data browser. To control the display in a program:

_g().nc_use_groups = 1
_g().nc_use_groups = 0
settings/legend-symbol-length String “1.2” Legend line symbol length in cm.

The keys can be set and get using GetProfileString, GetProfileInt, WriteProfileString and WriteProfileInt.


Type the following commands into the command window.

WriteProfileString("Settings", "editor-window-font-name", "consolas");
WriteProfileInt("Settings", "editor-window-font-size", 12);

Using a different Base Key

If UniPlot is started with the following command

uniplot.exe /user "Peter"

UniPlot is using a different Key. Instead of


it will use the key


The Name will be displayed in the UniPlot title bar.

System Policies

You can edit the registry using System Policy Editor (poledit.exe)

The keys are found in the registry under the base key


The policy templates uniplot34.adm is located in the uniplot\startup directory.

It looks like this:


CATEGORY "UniPlot Policies"

    CATEGORY "Menu"
        KEYNAME Software\Policies\RSB\UniPlot\Menu

        POLICY "FormulaConfiguration"
        KEYNAME "Software\Policies\RSB\UniPlot\Menu"
        VALUENAME "FormulaConfiguration"ValueOn Numeric 1 ValueOff Numeric 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY "ViewAddInManager"
        KEYNAME "Software\Policies\RSB\UniPlot\Menu"
        VALUENAME "ViewAddInManager"ValueOn Numeric 1 ValueOff Numeric 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY "CustomizeUserToolbar"
        KEYNAME "Software\Policies\RSB\UniPlot\Menu"
        VALUENAME "CustomizeUserToolbar"ValueOn Numeric 1 ValueOff Numeric 0
        END POLICY


    CATEGORY "Settings"

        POLICY !!CPL_StartUp
        KEYNAME "Software\Policies\RSB\UniPlot\Settings"
        VALUENAME "StartUp"ValueOn Numeric 1 ValueOff Numeric 0
        END POLICY

    END CATEGORY ; Settings

    CATEGORY "Formula"

        POLICY !!CPL_ActivateFormulaCalculation
        KEYNAME "Software\Policies\RSB\UniPlot\Formula"
        VALUENAME "EnableFormulaEval"ValueOn Numeric 1 ValueOff Numeric 0
        END POLICY

        POLICY !!CPL_FormulaPath
        KEYNAME "Software\Policies\RSB\UniPlot\Formula"
        PART "Formula path" EDITTEXT
        MAXLEN 1024
        VALUENAME Path
        END Part
        END POLICY

    END CATEGORY ; Formula

END CATEGORY ; Software\Policies\RSB\UniPlot\Menu

CPL_StartUp="Display start-up screen"
CPL_ActivateFormulaCalculation="Activate Formula Calculation"
CPL_FormulaPath="Formula Directory"
