.. |Main_Open| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_Open.png :align: top .. |Daten_1D_2DKonfig| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Daten_1D_2DKonfig.png :align: top .. |Daten_3DKonfig| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Daten_3DKonfig.png :align: top .. |Main_New| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_New.png :align: top .. |Layer_New| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Layer_New.png :align: top .. |Layer_AxesLayout| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Layer_AxesLayout.png :align: top .. |Palette_Text| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Palette_Text.png :align: top .. |Palette_Rect| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Palette_Rect.png :align: top .. |Palette_Ellipse| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Palette_Ellipse.png :align: top .. |Palette_Line| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Palette_Line.png :align: top .. |Palette_Arrow| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Palette_Arrow.png :align: top .. |Main_Cut| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_Cut.png :align: top .. |Main_Copy| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_Copy.png :align: top .. |Main_Paste| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_Paste.png :align: top .. |Palette_Group| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Palette_Group.png :align: top .. |Palette_Ungroup| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Palette_Ungroup.png :align: top .. |Layer_ZoomIn| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Layer_ZoomIn.png :align: top .. |Daten_IsoLabelEinfuegen| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Daten_IsoLabelEinfuegen.png :align: top .. |Daten_IsoLabelLoeschen| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Daten_IsoLabelLoeschen.png :align: top .. |Daten_IsoLinienEinfuegen| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Daten_IsoLinienEinfuegen.png :align: top .. |Daten_IsoLinienLoeschen| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Daten_IsoLinienLoeschen.png :align: top .. |Layer_2DView| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Layer_2DView.png :align: top .. |Layer_3DView| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Layer_3DView.png :align: top .. |Daten_3DAnsicht| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Daten_3DAnsicht.png :align: top .. |Layer_DiaListe| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Layer_DiaListe.png :align: top .. |Daten_Datensaetze| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Daten_Datensaetze.png :align: top .. |Daten_Import| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Daten_Import.png :align: top .. |Cursor_Messen| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Cursor_Messen.png :align: top .. |Cursor_ZoomAusschnitt| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Cursor_ZoomAusschnitt.png :align: top .. |Cursor_AutoSkalierung| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Cursor_AutoSkalierung.png :align: top .. |Cursor_PeriodenLaengeEinstellen| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Cursor_PeriodenLaengeEinstellen.png :align: top .. |Cursor_EinePeriodeLinks| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Cursor_EinePeriodeLinks.png :align: top .. |Cursor_EinePeriodeRechts| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Cursor_EinePeriodeRechts.png :align: top .. |Main_Undo| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_Undo.png :align: top .. |Main_Redo| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_Redo.png :align: top .. |Misc_Datensatzstil_e| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Misc_Datensatzstil_e.png :align: top .. |Main_Command| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_Command.png :align: top .. highlightlang:: us .. _uniplot-essentials: UniPlot Essentials ================== .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/UniplotScreen-en.* * Example plots are found in the :file:`UniPlot\\Samples` directory and can be opened with the **Open** command in the **File** menu (:ref:`fileopen`) or by clicking |Main_Open|. * To select a diagram, a dataset or a drawing object, click the object with the mouse. To edit the object settings, double-click an object (axis, axis label, axis title, text, dataset, diagram, etc.) to open the configuration dialog box. * The dataset configuration dialog box can also be opened with the **1D and 2D Dataset Configuration** |Daten_1D_2DKonfig| and **3D Dataset Configuration** |Daten_3DKonfig| buttons. * To move a diagram, position the cursor on the frame (but not on a handle) and then drag it. To resize a diagram or a drawing object, drag any handle. * When you drag the handle of an object, the object is pulled into alignment with the gridline or the nearest intersection of gridlines (Snap-To-Grid effect). To turn off this effect, hold down the :kbd:`Ctrl` key while you drag the object. To change the spacing between the gridlines, choose the **Options** dialog box in the **Tools** menu (:ref:`toolsoptions`). * Drawing objects and diagrams can also be moved by using the arrow keys on the keyboard. While pressing the :kbd:`Shift` key, the width and height of the diagram or drawing object can be changed. To turn off the Snap-To-Grid-Effect press the :kbd:`Ctrl` key. * Drawing objects and diagrams can also be dragged by using the arrow keys. To change the size of an object, hold down the :kbd:`Shift` key while using an arrow key. To switch off the Snap-To-Grid effect hold down the :kbd:`Ctrl` key. * To create a new document choose :ref:`file-new` or the |Main_New| button. * To create a new document, click the |Main_New| button on the toolbar. A diagram can be added to the document by clicking the |Layer_New| button and then dragging the mouse to create the diagram. Diagrams with multiple axes can be created by adding multiple diagrams. The axis position can be set in the :ref:`diagram-diagram-settings` dialog box. To move an axis from its standard position, open the :ref:`diagram-layout` dialog box (|Layer_AxesLayout|). * To add a new page to the active document, position the cursor on one of the page tabs and click the right mouse key or choose :ref:`editpagenew-page`. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/Misc_PageMenu-en.* * To create a drawing object, choose one of these buttons: |Palette_Text|, |Palette_Rect|, |Palette_Ellipse|, |Palette_Line|, |Palette_Arrow|. Draw the object by dragging the mouse cursor. * Newly created drawing objects are added to the selected diagram. When a diagram is moved to a new position, the drawing objects are moved as well. Drawing objects of different diagrams cannot be grouped. Drawing objects can be cut and pasted to another diagram without changing their position. * Diagrams, drawing objects and datasets can be copied using the clipboard. Use the |Main_Cut|, |Main_Copy| and |Main_Paste| buttons to copy and paste an object between different UniPlot diagrams or documents. * To insert a UniPlot document page into another application, choose :ref:`editcopy-page`. This will copy all elements of the page as a Windows Metafile into the clipboard. Switch to the application (:kbd:`Alt+Tab`) into which you want to insert the UniPlot graphic and then choose :ref:`editpaste`. * To select several drawing objects at the same time, hold down the :kbd:`Shift` key while you click an object. To cancel a selection, click the object while you hold down the :kbd:`Shift` key. * To group selected drawing objects to a single unit, click the |Palette_Group| button. With the |Palette_Ungroup| button you can ungroup a drawing object. Only drawing objects belonging to one diagram can be grouped. * Selected drawing objects, diagrams and datasets can be deleted with the **Delete** key. If you delete a diagram, all of the datasets and the attached drawing objects will be removed from the document page. * To magnify part of a document, click the |Layer_ZoomIn| button and drag to create a rectangle that encloses the part of the page you want to enlarge. * You can change isoline distribution and the position of isoline labels with the |Daten_IsoLabelEinfuegen|, |Daten_IsoLabelLoeschen|, |Daten_IsoLinienEinfuegen| and |Daten_IsoLinienLoeschen| buttons. To use one of these functions, a 3D dataset must be selected. If only one 3D dataset is available, it will be automatically selected. If a diagram has more than one 3D dataset, you have to select the dataset you want to edit. To select a 3D dataset, click one of its isolines. * To label isolines, choose the |Daten_IsoLabelEinfuegen| button. Drag the cursor to create a line which crosses at least one isoline. Labels will be inserted at the intersection points of the line and the isolines. To insert a single label, click a point on the isoline where you want the label to appear. * To remove isoline labels, click the |Daten_IsoLabelLoeschen| button. Drag a rectangle that encloses all of the unwanted labels. To remove a single label, click it. * To insert a new isoline into the map, select the |Daten_IsoLinienEinfuegen| button. Position the cursor where you want to insert an isoline and click once. A dialog box will appear in which you can edit the z-value of the isoline. To insert the line, choose the :guilabel:`OK` button. * To delete an isoline, choose the |Daten_IsoLinienLoeschen| button and click the isoline you want to remove. * With the |Layer_2DView| and |Layer_3DView| buttons you can switch between a 2D and a 3D diagram. Only 3D datasets will be plotted as a surface map in the 3D diagram. * To change the 3D view angle or perspective, choose the |Daten_3DAnsicht| button. * |Layer_DiaListe| This combo box shows the selected diagram name. To choose another diagram, open the combo box and click another name. * The |Daten_Datensaetze| button opens a dialog box with the names of the datasets attached to the selected diagram. * The import function in UniPlot works somewhat unconventionally: A Text file (ASCII) or Excel file with data arranged in columns will be converted into a UniPlot data file. In a second step, the data can be easily and quickly imported from the UniPlot data file (:file:`.nc` or :file:`.nc2`). The import function is written in UniScript and can be adjusted to suit your needs. * To import data from a Text or Excel file, choose :ref:`file-import-data`. Depending on the file size, the conversion to the UniPlot data file can take anywhere from a few seconds to several minutes. * |Daten_Import| This box shows the names of the last 20 imported data files. To open a data file, open the list and select a file name. In the dialog box that appears, you can choose the data you want to import into the selected diagram: .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/FileDataImport_Map2-en.* To delete the list contents, choose :ref:`filemore-file-functions` and select **Reset recent NC-data name list**. * .. index:: Toolbar; Cursor The data cursor for 1D and 2D datasets can be switched on with the |Cursor_Messen| button. To switch off the cursor, click the button again. Use the mouse to move the cursor lines. The measurement at the cursor position will be displayed in a window: .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/DataCursor-en.* * The |Cursor_ZoomAusschnitt| button changes the axes scaling. Select a diagram. Click the button and drag a rectangle around the area of interest. The diagram axes will be scaled to show the selected area. * To auto scale the axes, click the |Cursor_AutoSkalierung| button. The axes will be scaled so that all datasets are completly visible inside the diagram. You can use this function to undo any zoom operation. * With the |Cursor_PeriodenLaengeEinstellen|, |Cursor_EinePeriodeLinks| and |Cursor_EinePeriodeRechts| buttons, periodical signals or time signals can be scrolled cycle by cycle. Import a signal and zoom a part of the signal (|Cursor_ZoomAusschnitt|). Click on the |Cursor_PeriodenLaengeEinstellen| button and specify the cycle length (e.g. 720 grad CA). The signal can be scrolled one cycle to the left or right with the |Cursor_EinePeriodeLinks| and |Cursor_EinePeriodeRechts| buttons. * **Undo**: To undo any changes, choose the |Main_Undo| button. Up to 255 steps can be undone. * **Redo**: To redo any undo steps, click the |Main_Redo| button. * |Misc_Datensatzstil_e| The **Dataset Style** box can be used to set the style of all selected datasets. To change the style of a dataset, select the dataset, open the combo list box and choose a style. To edit the styles in the list box, choose :ref:`toolsdataset-style-configuration`. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/Misc_DatasetStyleConfiguration-en.* * The |Main_Command| button opens the UniScript command window. Type in the following example:: x = linspace(0, 2*PI) y = sin(x) plot(x, y) :ref:`plot` is a function written in UniScript which creates a new document with a diagram and plots data y versus x into a diagram. You can look into the source code of the :ref:`plot` function. Open (|Main_Open|) the :file:`plot.ic` file in the :file:`UniPlot\\Script` directory. To get help for one of the functions, position the cursor on a function name (e.g. :ref:`XYCreate`) and press **F1**. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/Misc_PlotSin-en.* * The **File Quick View** function can be used to get an overview of a data file. Choose :ref:`filefile-quick-view`. In the dialog box select a data file. The file will be converted and the following dialog box will be displayed: .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/Misc_DataQuickView-en.* Any UniPlot file (:file:`.IPW`) can be used as a template for the quick view function. The default template is the file :file:`UniPlot\\Template\\rs_conta.ipw`. :sub:`id-339233`