.. |Main_Open| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_Open.png :align: top .. highlightlang:: us .. index:: File=>Open .. _fileopen: .. _file-open: File=>Open ========== Usage ----- Opens an existing UniPlot or text file. The file will be displayed in a window on the monitor. More than one file can be opened at the same time. To open one of the last eight UniPlot files previously worked on, select it from the :ref:`file` menu. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/file-open-en.* To load an already saved file, do the following: * Choose **File=>Open**. * Select the drive and the directory name. * Choose the file name or enter the name in the **File Name** field. * Click OK to load the file. Instead of loading data in this manner, you can load the files with the Windows File Manager. Press the left mouse button on the UniPlot file symbol in the file manager and drag the mouse into the UniPlot window. A double-click on a UniPlot file name (with the extension :file:`.ipw` or :file:`.ipz`) starts UniPlot. UniPlot then loads the selected file. .. _file-open-other-format: More Format ----------- MDA from ETAS ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Your ``*.xdx`` files from MDA (ETAS) can be imported into UniPlot with this function. Choose the adapted filter and select the file to import. The following steps will follow: * If the ``*.xdx`` file contains formulas, those will be added to your formula list. * The list of data file used in the template will be recovered. If those files are not present in your computer, UniPlot will ask you to show their new location or a replacement file. * UniPlot will recreate the template into UniPlot format. * Your template is ready to use. .. us.comment **Comment** Comment ------- Shortcut Key: :kbd:`Ctrl+O` Button: |Main_Open| .. seealso:: :ref:`file`, :ref:`filenew`, :ref:`fileclose`, :ref:`filesave`, :ref:`filesave-as` :sub:`id-1559799`