.. |Main_Paste| image:: S:/uniplot-obj/buttons/Main_Paste.png :align: top .. highlightlang:: us .. index:: Edit=>Paste .. index:: Clipboard .. _editpaste: Edit=>Paste ----------- Inserts a copy of the clipboard's contents into the active document. If the clipboard contains UniPlot objects, they will be inserted without changing their position and size into the active document. Datasets and drawing objects will be added to the selected diagram. If no diagram is selected, the objects will be added to the background layer. If the clipboard contents were created using another application, the objects are added to the active diagram into the upper left page corner. **Example**: Start Excel and open the file :file:`c:\\program files\\uniplot\\samples\\test1.xls`. Select a range of cells .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/de-clip-excel.* and copy the range to the clipboard (Ctrl+C). Activate UniPlot. Create a new document and choose :ref:`editpaste` (Ctrl+V). Because Excel inserts the data into the clipboard in different formats, the following dialog box will be displayed: .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/clipboard-paste-en.* Available Formats: **Metafile** The clipboard contents will be inserted as a scalable Windows Metafile (WMF or EMF). The contents cannot be modified. High output quality. **Bitmap** Bitmaps will be saved without loss in the png-Format. Output quality depends on the resolution. **OLE2-Object** Object Linking and Embedding (OLE). The Excel sheet is inserted as a Metafile with editable information. This format needs more memory and file space than the other formats. **UniPlot-Table** The sheet will be inserted as a editable UniPlot table. Format information cannot be pasted. Only the data will be inserted. The size is limited to 80 rows and 20 columns. **netCDF-Datei** .. index:: Clipboard: Data Import This command will create a netCDF file from the Excel sheet or from a range of cells. The file name has the following form ``"nc_XXXX_sheetname.nc"`` The output directory can be set in the :ref:`toolsmore-options` dialog box. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/de-clip-browser.* Because UniPlot uses the binary Excel Biff8 format, numbers are converted without loss of precision. For other spreadsheet programs, UniPlot uses the tab separated text format. **UniPlot-Text-Object** The text is added to a UniPlot text object. .. us.comment **Comment** Shortcut Key: :kbd:`Ctrl+V` Button: |Main_Paste| .. seealso:: :ref:`editcut`, :ref:`editcopy`, :ref:`editcopy-dataset`, :ref:`editcopy-diagram`, :ref:`editcopy-page` :sub:`id-908971`