.. highlightlang:: us .. index:: Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>User-Label .. index:: y^diagram-xyz-axis-userlabel .. _diagramx/y/z-axisuserlabel: .. _diagram-xyz-axis-userlabel: Diagram=>X/Y/Z-Axis=>User Label ------------------------------- Axis labels can be edited in this dialog box. .. image:: S:/uniplot-obj/images/DiagramXYZAxisUserLabel-en.* .. us.dialog .. us.dlgitem **Label Font** Opens the dialog box to set the font. .. us.dlgitem **Standard Label** Opens the dialog box to configure the standard labels. See :ref:`diagram-xyz-axis-label`. .. us.dlgitem **User Label** Each line in the text field can contain a label. A label starts with the value, followed by an equal sign, followed by the display text. Example: ``1.0 = On``. The text can be empty. Example: ``2.5 =``. For an empty user label a grid line will be displayed. The label is visible, if the value is in the range of axis scale. To create a label with multiple lines, insert ``\\n`` as a line separator. .. us.dlgitem **Display User Label** Enables the display of the user labels. .. us.dlgitem **Display Standard Label** Enables the display of the standard labels. .. us.dlgitem **Enable Autoload User Label** If checked, the labels are loaded if the y channel of the dataset contains the NC attribute ``_nc_enum``. Example: ``_nc_enum = 15|SNA|8|RUN|7|UNDEF|0|OK``. .. us.dlgitem **Skip Overlapping Label** If checked, the standard labels are not displayed if they overlap with a user label. .. us.dlgitem **Display Grid for User Label** If checked, the grid will only be displayed for the user labels. .. us.dlgitem **Direction** Axis labels can be plotted horizontally or rotated by +90 or -90 degrees. .. us.dlgitem **Rel. Position** Labels can be moved relative to their standard position in centimeters. .. us.dialog .. seealso:: :ref:`diagram` :sub:`id-1159329`